Parapenaeus longirostris Nursery map in Italian waters during the spring season
The map shows the distribution of nursery areas in the Italian seas in spring of Parapenaeus longirostris. Species data, collected during national trawl survey campains in the period 1994-1996, were elaborated using spatial analysis. The distribution maps were included on a CDROM in their native GIS format and also in PDF format. For more information refer to "GD Ardizzone, F Corsi, S Agnesi, 1999 - Atlante delle Risorse Ittiche Demersali Italiane triennio 1994-1996. Ministero per le Politiche Agricole (RM)
Vector data is used to represent geographic data
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Information applies to the dataset
A mixed analitical procedure were performed. First an interpolation by universal kriging with gradient described by linear function was performed. Then the areas with higher information content were filtered and subsequently used, together with the input data, in a deterministic linear interpolation. Finally the identified areas were delimited within the bathymetric distribution boundary of the species and the study area