Rock and sediment biota
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The dataset contains circalitoral habita types in the Slovenian coastal area. It contains the description of habitat types, EUNIS codes, areas of the habitat and the key species described.
Description of the coastal zone bank habitats of the Baltic Sea on Latvia-Lithuania border based on underwater video observation. Observation for National environmental status assessment, Maritime spatial planning, Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Underwater video observation was done by Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology. Open data policy.
Fugro GeoConsulting Limited (Fugro) was requested by Centrica Energy Renewable Investments Limited (CERI) to perform a geotechnical investigation at the South-East Development Area of the proposed Irish Sea Wind Farm to provide sufficient data to enable the zone-wide characterisation of the soil and rock conditions for combination with the regional geophysical data to inform the technical and commercial planning process. The work was performed from the MV Normand Mermaid from 4 April 2012 to 29 September 2012, in accordance with the instructions received from CERI. Two drilling methods were mobilised for the work: the standard downhole American Petroleum Institute (API) drilling spread and a Geobor S piggyback coring spread. The fieldwork consisted of 43 boreholes: 19 boreholes utilising the API drilling spread to characterise engineering soil and prove depth to bedrock, and 24 boreholes using the API drilling spread with follow-on Geobor S boreholes to characterise engineering soil and bedrock to a target depth of 55 m. Downhole geophysical wireline logging was performed at each of the follow-on Geobor-S boreholes in order to enhance characterisation of the site. The datasets included within this package are 1.AGS data (.ags) 2.Wireline Digital Data (.las, .xls) 3. Images(.pdf, jpg) These datasets relate to the Centrica report document No: SE-D-EN-127-0117-501003-005.
At the request of Centrica Energy Renewable Investments Limited (CERIL), Fugro Geoconsulting Limited acted as the main contractor for a geotechnical site investigation at the Irish Sea Round 3 Wind Farm (Zone 9) site. The fieldwork was performed using the Fugro Saltire from 05 March to 24 March 2011. A total of nine boreholes were performed at the Irish Sea Round 3 Wind Farm (Zone 9) site. Four locations were investigated comprising a continuous in-situ testing and sampling program. The purpose of the investigation was to provide soils information and to assess the ground conditions. This data will assist in design of met masts for the proposed wind farm. This dataset includes borehole geotechnical log information and the cone penetration test (CPT) data for all of the CPT sites during the geotechnical survey together with supporting documentation. Video data was also collected but is not included in this dataset.
" This dataset focuses on the development of soft bottom fauna, 10 years after the putting into use of the PAWP, and therewith 10 years of exclusion of fisheries in the wind park area. This investigation is part of WOZEP (a Dutch Governmental Offshore Wind Ecological Program), which is a five-year research program to investigate the gaps in knowledge concerning the ecological effects of off-shore wind energy. "
The dataset includes data from in-situ studies of infra- and circalittoral reef surveys following the Bulgarian national MSFD Descriptors 1,6 program in 2017. The results are based on scuba divers georeferenced photo transects and drop video camera deployments.