Shortlist research offshore wind parks
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The Shortlist Ecological Monitoring Wind Farms at Sea project is a one-year research program in which a number of urgent knowledge gaps are filled. For example, research is being conducted into the impact of pile driving on marine mammals and the distribution, foraging and migration patterns of seabirds are being mapped. This information is relevant for the construction of offshore wind farms. The Shortlist for Ecological Monitoring of offshore wind farms, in short Shortlist, is the result of the "Master Plan for Ecological Monitoring of offshore wind farms", a joint initiative of the ministries of IenM and EZ. The aim of the Shortlist research program is to acquire additional knowledge about the effects of offshore wind farms. This knowledge is necessary for, among other things, the granting of permits. Research institutes TNO and IMARES are conducting the Shortlist studies, in collaboration with SeaMarco and Bureau Waardenburg, among others (quote from source: