North Sea - Contaminants aggregated datasets 1959/2019 v2021
EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This regional aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on contaminants, and covers the North Sea with 34978 CDI records divided per matrices: 1460 biota, 24740 water profiles, 6090 sediment profiles and 261 sediment time series. For water, the temporal range is from 1959-10-03 to 2019-12-30. For sediment, the temporal range is from 1970-07-11 to 2019-12-18 for profile data and from 1993-09-16 to 2015-06-15 for the time series. For biota, the temporal range is from 1979-02-26 to 2018-02-28. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by 'Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde from Denmark'.
Regional datasets concerning contaminants are automatically harvested. Parameter names in these datasets are based on P01, BODC Parameter Usage Vocabulary, which is available at: Each measurement value has a quality flag indicator. The resulting data collections for each Sea Basin are harmonised, and the collections are quality controlled by EMODnet Chemistry Regional Leaders using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions.
Harmonisation means that: (1) unit conversion is carried out to express contaminant concentrations with a limited set of measurement units (according to EU directives 2013/39/UE; Comm. Dec. EU 2017/848) and (2) merging of variables described by different “local names” ,but corresponding exactly to the same concepts in BODC P01 vocabulary.
Detailed documentation is available at:
Explore and extract data at:
The harmonised dataset can also be downloaded as ODV spreadsheet (TXT file), which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This worksheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: ).
The same dataset is offered also as XLSX file in a long/vertical format, in which each P01 measurement is a record line. Additionally, there are a series of columns that split P01 terms in subcomponents (measure, substance, CAS number, matrix...).This transposed format is more adapted to worksheet applications users (e.g. LibreOffice Calc).
The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Chemistry CDI Data and Discovery Access Service:
owner : {{md.getOwnername()}}
{{'mdStatusRecord' | translate}}: {{('mdStatus-' + md.mdStatus) | translate}}
- Identification
- Content
- ReferenceSystem
- Quality
- DomainConsistancy
- Constraints
- Distribution
- Meta-metadata
- ObjectCatalogue
Alternate title | EMODNET_CHEMISTRY_North_Sea_Contaminants_aggregated_datasets_1959/2019_v2021 |
Date | 2021-04-09 |
Date type | Creation: Date identifies when the resource was brought into existence |
Edition | 1.0 |
Unique resource identifier | 0d891cfa-d23c-4253-a368-ef07f22f9af8 |
Credit | EMODnet Chemistry |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde |
Voice | +45 8715000 |
Delivery point | 399 Frederiksborgvej P.O. Box 358 |
City | Roskilde |
Postal code | DK-4000 |
Country | Denmark |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute |
Voice | +44 (0)28 90 255689 |
Delivery point | AFBI Headquarters Newforge Lane |
City | Belfast |
Postal code | BT9 5PX |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Elbe River Water Authority |
Voice | ++49 40 - 42854 7770 |
Delivery point | Wasserguetestelle Elbe, Nessdeich 120-121 |
City | Hamburg |
Postal code | 21129 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Environment Agency Head Office |
Voice | +44 (0)3708 506 506 |
Delivery point | Horizon House |
City | Bristol |
Postal code | BS1 5AH |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Environment Agency Solent and South Downs Area Office |
Voice | +44 (0)3708 506 506 |
Delivery point | Guildbourne House |
City | Worthing |
Postal code | BN11 1LD |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Environment Agency South East Regional Office |
Voice | +44 (0)3708 506 506 |
Delivery point | Kings Meadow House |
City | Reading |
Postal code | RG1 8DQ |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Environment Agency South West Regional Office |
Voice | +44 (0)370 8506506 |
Delivery point | Manley House |
City | Exeter |
Postal code | EX2 7LQ |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Environment Agency Wales |
Delivery point | Rivers House S. Mellons Business Park |
City | Cardiff |
Postal code | CF3 0LT |
Country | United Kingdom |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federal Institute of Hydrology (BFG) |
Voice | +49 (0)261 1306 0 |
Delivery point | Am Mainzer Tor 1 D-56068 Koblenz |
City | Koblenz |
Postal code | 56068 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency |
Voice | +49 40 3190-0 |
Delivery point | Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 78 |
City | Hamburg |
Postal code | 20359 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federal Research Centre for Fisheries (Cuxhaven) |
Voice | 04721-38035 |
Delivery point | BFAFi, Institut fuer Fischereioekologie, Deichstrasse 12 |
City | Cuxhaven |
Postal code | 27472 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federal Research Centre for Fisheries (Hamburg) |
Voice | (+49) 40 38905-0 |
Delivery point | Palmaille 9 |
City | Hamburg |
Postal code | 22767 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Finnish Institute of Marine Research (FIMR) |
Voice | +358 9 613 941 |
Delivery point | Erik Palménin aukio 1 P.O.Box 2 |
City | Helsinki |
Postal code | 00561 |
Country | Finland |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | GKSS Research Center |
Voice | +49 4152 87 1533 |
Delivery point | Max-Planck-Straße 1 |
City | Geesthacht |
Postal code | 21502 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU |
Voice | +46 (0)18-17 90 00 |
Delivery point | Villavägen 18 |
City | Uppsala |
Postal code | SE-751 28 |
Country | Sweden |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | German Hydrographic Institute |
Voice | 494031903420 |
Delivery point | Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 78 |
City | Hamburg |
Postal code | 20359 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | friedrich.nast |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute - Stockholm |
Voice | +46-(0)8-598 563 00 |
Delivery point | Valhallavägen 81 |
City | Stockholm |
Postal code | SE-114 27 |
Country | Sweden |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Ifremer / VIGIES (Information Valuation Service for Integrated Management and Monitoring) |
Voice | +33 (02 |
Delivery point | Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu BP 1105 |
City | NANTES CEDEX 03 |
Postal code | 44311 |
Country | France |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Lower Saxony Water Management, Coastal Defense and Nature Conservation Agency |
Voice | +49 5121 509 207 |
Delivery point | An der Scharlake 39 |
City | Hildesheim |
Postal code | 31135 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Marine Institute |
Voice | +353-91-387200 |
Delivery point | Rinville |
City | Oranmore |
Postal code | H91 R673 |
Country | Ireland |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Plymouth Marine Laboratory |
Voice | +44 (0)1752 633 100 |
Delivery point | Prospect Place The Hoe |
City | Plymouth |
Postal code | PL1 3DH |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory |
Voice | +44 (0)151 653 8633 |
Delivery point | Bidston Observatory Bidston Hill |
City | Prenton |
Postal code | CH43 7RA |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Rijkswaterstaat Water, Traffic and Environment |
Voice | +31 320298411 |
Delivery point | Zuiderwagenplein 2 |
City | Lelystad |
Postal code | 8224 AD |
Country | Netherlands |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Senckenberg by the Sea, Wilhelmshaven |
Voice | +49 4421 9475 0 |
Delivery point | Südstrand 40 and Südstrand 44 |
City | Wilhelmshaven |
Postal code | 26382 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address |, |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | State Agency for Nature and Environment of Schleswig Holstein (LANU) |
Voice | +49 4347 704-0 |
Delivery point | Hamburger Chaussee 25 |
City | Flintbek |
Postal code | 24220 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | State Office for Water Economy and Shore, Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel |
Voice | 0431-66490 |
Delivery point | Saarbrückenstrasse 38 |
City | Kiel |
Postal code | 24114 |
Country | Germany |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | State Office of Ecology of Lower Saxony |
Voice | +49 5121 509 0 |
Delivery point | An der Scharlake 39 |
City | Hildesheim |
Postal code | 31135 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | University of Plymouth, Institute of Marine Studies |
Delivery point | Drake Circus |
City | Plymouth |
Postal code | PL4 8AA |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Weser River Management Bureau |
Voice | +49 5121 509 712 |
Delivery point | An der Scharlake 39 |
City | Hildesheim |
Postal code | 31135 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde |
Country | Denmark |
Electronic mail address | |
Role | Author: Party who authored the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
Delivery point | Am Handelshafen 12 |
City | Bremerhaven |
Postal code | D-27570 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Roshydromet (Saint-Petersburg) |
Voice | (812) 352-15-20 |
Delivery point | 38,Bering st. |
City | St.Petersburg |
Postal code | 199397 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Atlantic Scientific Research Institute for Marine Fishery and Oceanography |
Voice | 8 (0112) 21-56-45 |
Delivery point | 5, Dm. Donskoi St. |
City | Kaliningrad reg |
Postal code | 236000 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Bohuskusten Coalition of Water Conservation |
Delivery point | Stora Nygatan 3 |
City | Uddevalla |
Postal code | SE-451 32 |
Country | Sweden |
Electronic mail address | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory |
Voice | +44 (0)1502 562244 |
Delivery point | Pakefield Road |
City | Lowestoft |
Postal code | NR33 OHT |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs |
Voice | +44(0) 300 200 7852 |
Delivery point | Dundonald House, Upper Newtownards Road |
City | Belfast |
Postal code | BT4 3SB |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federaal Agentschap voor Nucleaire Controle |
Voice | +32 (0)2 289 21 11 |
Delivery point | 36 Ravensteinstraat |
City | Brussels |
Postal code | 1000 |
Country | Belgium |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Federal Institute of Hydrology |
Voice | +49 (0)261 1306 0 |
Delivery point | Am Mainzer Tor 1 D-56068 Koblenz |
City | Koblenz |
Postal code | 56068 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IHE, Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Ostend |
Delivery point | 3de en 23ste Linieregimentsplein |
City | Oostende |
Postal code | 8400 |
Country | Belgium |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Environment |
Voice | +370 5 275 1194 |
Delivery point | 6 Rudnios Str. |
City | Vilnius |
Postal code | LT-09300 |
Country | Lithuania |
Electronic mail address |, |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Marine Scotland Science |
Voice | +44 (0)1224 876544 |
Delivery point | Marine Laboratory, PO Box 101 |
City | Aberdeen |
Postal code | AB11 9DB |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Murmansk Hydrometeorological Administration of Roshydromet |
Delivery point | 23, Shmidt St. |
City | Murmansk |
Postal code | 183789 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research |
Voice | 0800 746 464 |
Delivery point | 41 Market Place Viaduct Harbour |
City | Auckland |
Postal code | 1010 |
Country | New Zealand |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | National Science Foundation |
Voice | +1 (703) 292-5111 |
Delivery point | 4201 Wilson Blvd |
City | Arlington |
Postal code | VA 22230 |
Country | United States |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Natural Environment Research Council |
Voice | +44 (0)1793 411500 |
Delivery point | Polaris House |
City | Swindon |
Postal code | SN2 1EU |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Odessa Branch of SOI (State Oceanographic Institute) |
City | Odessa |
Country | Ukraine |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS |
Voice | +7(499)124-59-96 |
Delivery point | 36 Nakhimovsky prospect |
City | Moscow |
Postal code | 117997 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Polar Scientific Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography |
Delivery point | 6, Knipovich St. |
City | Murmansk |
Postal code | 183763 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | RF Forschungsschiffahrt GmbH |
Voice | +49 421207660 |
Delivery point | Blumenthalstr. 15 |
City | Bremen |
Postal code | 28209 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models |
Voice | +32 2 773 21 11 |
Delivery point | Gulledelle 100 |
City | Brussels |
Postal code | 1200 |
Country | Belgium |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Ostend |
Voice | +32 59 24 20 50 |
Delivery point | c/o Mijnenbestrijdingsschool |
City | Oostende |
Postal code | 8400 |
Country | Belgium |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment |
Delivery point | Vautierstraat 29 |
City | Brussels |
Postal code | 1000 |
Country | Belgium |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Ostend |
Voice | +32 59 24 20 50 |
Delivery point | 3de en 23ste Linieregimentsplein |
City | Oostende |
Postal code | 8400 |
Country | Belgium |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Angus Smith Building |
Voice | +44 (0)1698 839000 |
Delivery point | Angus Smith Building |
City | Holytown |
Postal code | ML1 4WQ |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Edinburgh Office |
Voice | +44 (0)131 449 7296 |
Delivery point | Clearwater House, Heriot Watt Research Park |
City | Edinburgh |
Postal code | EH14 4AP |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | State Oceanographic Institute |
Voice | +7 (499) 246-7288 |
Delivery point | Kropotkinsky Lane 6 |
City | Moscow |
Postal code | 119034 |
Country | Russian Federation |
Electronic mail address |, |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas of Schleswig Holstein |
Voice | +49-4347 704-0 |
Delivery point | Hamburger Chaussee 25 |
City | Flintbek |
Postal code | 24220 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute |
Voice | +46-(0)11-495 80 00 |
Delivery point | Folkborgsvagen 1 |
City | Norrkoping |
Postal code | SE-601 76 |
Country | Sweden |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | University of Plymouth, Institute of Marine Studies |
Delivery point | Drake Circus |
City | Plymouth |
Postal code | PL4 8AA |
Country | United Kingdom |
Electronic mail address | inapplicable |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry |
Voice | +32 2 629 32 75 |
Delivery point | boulevard de la Plaine/Pleinlaan 2 |
City | Brussels |
Postal code | 1050 |
Country | Belgium |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Waterways and Shipping Authority Wilhelmshaven |
Voice | 04421/186-0 |
Delivery point | Mozartstraße 32 |
City | Wilhelmshaven |
Postal code | 26382 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Waterways and Shipping Office Cuxhaven |
Voice | +49 4721 567 0 |
Delivery point | Am Alten Hafen 2 |
City | Cuxhaven |
Postal code | 27472 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Voice | (508) 289-2252 |
Delivery point | 266 Woods Hole Road |
City | Woods Hole |
Country | United States |
Linkage | |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Descriptive keywords
Thèmes Sextant | /Chemical Environment/Contaminants |
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 | |
SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer | North Sea |
Matrix Categories |
water body
EMODnet Chemistry chemical groups |
Heavy metals
Pesticides and biocides
Polychlorinated biphenyls
Other keywords | EMODnet Chemistry |
Spatial representation type | Vector: Vector data is used to represent geographic data |
Topic category code |
Reference System Information
Unique resource identifier | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) |
Codespace | EPSG |
Hierarchy level | Series: Information applies to the series |
Statement | The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Chemistry CDI Data and Discovery Access Service: |
Domain consistency
Conformance result
Resource constraints
Distribution format | Zipped file (ODV spreadsheet and transposed spreadsheet) (Version: 1.0) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transfer options
File identifier | 0d891cfa-d23c-4253-a368-ef07f22f9af8 | ||||||||
Metadata language | English | ||||||||
Character set | UTF8: 8-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646 | ||||||||
Hierarchy level | Series: Information applies to the series | ||||||||
Hierarchy level name | Product record | ||||||||
Date stamp | 2025-02-21T09:30:23.833759Z | ||||||||
Metadata standard name | ISO 19115:2003/19139 - EMODNET - SDN | ||||||||
Metadata standard version | 1.0 | ||||||||


Sediment timeseries

Sediment profiles

- geoDesc
- {{d}}
- geoBox
- geoDescCode
- {{mdView.current.record.geoDescCode}}
- creationDate
- publicationDate
- revisionDate
- tempExtentBegin
Associated resources
Not available