Axe Estuary rMCZ Intertidal Rock and Sediment Verification Survey 2013
"This map is the result of surveys commissioned by Natural England were undertaken by Ecospan Enivronmental Ltd during the spring low tides in September and October 2013 and March 2014. These surveys were designed to provide additional data and a partial baseline data set on the extent and presence of certain features within the Axe estuary rMCZ. A total of five sediment habitat types were identified and mapped during the course of the surveys; three littoral mud, one littoral sand and muddy sand, and one mixed sediment. The majority of the sediment area was composed of mud habitat types dominated by the polychaete Hediste diversicolor but containing a variety of other species depending on the position within the estuary."
Alternatieve titel | GB100275 |
Versiedatum | 2014-09-18 |
Type versiedatum | Creatie: Aanmaakdatum of opnamedatum van de dataset. |
Dataset identificator | 598d1c72-7679-494b-b798-9d65ad02238e |
Contactgegevens dataset(serie)
Organisatie | Natural England |
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Rol | Eigenaar: Partij die eigenaar is van de data. |
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 | Oceanographic geographical featuresHabitats and biotopes |
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.3 |
Ruimtelijk schema dataset(serie) | vector: Vector data wordt gebruikt om geografische data te representeren. |
Ruimtelijke resolutie dataset(serie)
Noemer | 6000 |
Taal | Engels |
Categorie(ën) |
Omschrijving geografische begrenzing | |||||||||
Omschrijvende rechthoek
Identificator geografische begrenzing |
Horizontaal en/of verticaal referentiesysteem
Unieke code | |
Niveau kwaliteitsinformatie | Dataset: Informatie heeft betrekking op de dataset. |
Algemene beschrijving herkomst | "A two Phased approach was adopted to gather data on both the littoral rock and sediment habitat types. Phase I was carried out in order to provide a preliminary habitat type map and to note any features of interest. This was achieved by examining geo-referenced aerial photography and subsequently ground-truthing defined habitats via field survey in order to establish the habitat types present. This information was then used to design the Phase II sampling strategy. Pre-determined transects were established at approximately 500m intervals throughout the rMCZ. The survey technique was to cover all the littoral habitat types within the study area by walking from one transect to another. When traversing broad expanses of sediment a zig zag route was taken to maximise coverage. Where changes in habitat type were observed, the perceived boundaries of the changes were marked on the aerial map and dGPS where necessary. For littoral rock all sampling was undertaken using appropriate guidelines. Upon arrival at a target transect all habitat types within were identified and recorded using the highest EUNIS classification level possible. For littoral sediment habitat types were assigned in the field by direct observation wherever possible (e.g. spade sample inspection and species field signs). Where the species present and resulting habitat type was not obvious (e.g. in those biotopes harbouring only sparse fauna), a 0.01m2 core of sediment was taken which was then analysed at the Ecospan laboratory. In Phase II for littoral rock the sample points were randomly generated in GIS, using the maps that were produced following the Phase I survey. A 0.25m2 quadrat was placed, as closely as possible to the randomly generated sample point at each station, and the abundance of fauna and flora was determined. Algal species were recorded using percentage cover. Fauna species were recorded using counts wherever possible or according to the SACFOR scale of abundance. In addition, detailed habitat descriptions using littoral habitat survey forms that included aspects such as substrate characteristics, width of habitat type, tidal height, features and modifiers were recorded. A photograph of each quadrat was taken as well as pictures up-shore and down-shore to show zonation. For Phase II littoral sediment 15 stations were sampled. At each station detailed habitat descriptions were recorded using habitat survey forms that included aspects such as substrate characteristics, interstitial salinity, features and modifiers. For the faunal analysis, three replicate 0.01m2 cores were taken to a depth of 15cm using a hand-held box corer. Each replicate was sieved and preserved. A fourth 0.01m2 core was taken for particle size analysis (PSA); a sub-sample of which was placed into a one litre plastic pot. All cores for both fauna and PSA were taken within an area of 1m2 at each station. All preserved fauna samples were delivered to APEM Ltd for full faunal identification and enumeration. PSA and contaminant samples were delivered to the NLS laboratory at Starcross for analysis. The data resulting from these surveys was recorded in two separate maps, one for littoral sediment and one for littoral rock. These maps were merged together, formatted by JNCC to meet the Data Exchange Format v4.1 and translated into EUNIS 2007 in February 2024." |
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Beperkingen van de dataset(serie)
Distributieformaat | ESRI Shapefile (Version: 1) GML (Version: 3.2.1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Metadata identificator (fileIdentifier) | 598d1c72-7679-494b-b798-9d65ad02238e | ||||||
Taal metadatarecord | Engels | ||||||
Karakterset metadatarecord | UTF-8: 8-bit variabele grootte universele karakterset, gebaseerd op ISO/IEC 10646 | ||||||
Hiërarchisch niveau | Dataset: Informatie heeft betrekking op de dataset. | ||||||
Metadata wijzigingsdatum | 2024-03-26T10:56:15.208Z | ||||||