Micro litter - Color of litter per net - Other specific protocols 2021/2021 v2023
This visualization product displays the color of litter in percent per net per year from specific protocols different from research and monitoring protocols.
EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10).
A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter.
European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization.
A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to a very specific protocol such as the Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) or Oceaneye.
To calculate percentages for each color, formula applied is:
Color (%) = (∑number of particles of each color)*100 / (∑number of particles of all color)
When the number of microlitters was not filled or zero, the percentage could not be calculated.
Standard vocabularies for microliter colors are taken from Seadatanet's H04 library (https://vocab.seadatanet.org/v_bodc_vocab_v2/search.asp?lib=H04)
Warning: the absence of data on the map doesn't necessarily mean that they don't exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.
owner : {{md.getOwnername()}}
{{'mdStatusRecord' | translate}}: {{('mdStatus-' + md.mdStatus) | translate}}
- Identification
- Content
- ReferenceSystem
- Quality
- DomainConsistancy
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- Distribution
- Meta-metadata
- ObjectCatalogue
Alternate title | mlf_density_nb_by_color_other |
Date | 2023-07-25 |
Date type | Creation: Date identifies when the resource was brought into existence |
Edition | 1.0 |
Unique resource identifier | DOI:10.13120/ac4b5e9d-8fc0-46c2-b297-4c2591ad5d2d |
Credit | EMODnet Chemistry |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA |
Voice | +33 (0)2 |
Delivery point | IFREMER Centre de Bretagne ZI Pointe du diable CS 10070 |
Postal code | 29280 |
Country | France |
Electronic mail address | sismer@ifremer.fr |
Linkage | http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/ |
Role | Resource provider: Party that supplies the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Ifremer / VIGIES (Information Valuation Service for Integrated Management and Monitoring) |
Voice | +33 (02 |
Delivery point | Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu BP 1105 |
City | NANTES CEDEX 03 |
Postal code | 44311 |
Country | France |
Electronic mail address | morgan.le.moigne@ifremer.fr |
Linkage | https://wwz.ifremer.fr/Recherche-Technologie/Departements-scientifiques/Departement-Oceanographie-et-Dynamique-des-Ecosystemes/VIGIES |
Role | Resource provider: Party that supplies the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, Division of Oceanography |
Delivery point | Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/c |
City | Sgonico (Trieste) |
Postal code | 34010 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | nodc@ogs.trieste.it |
Linkage | http://www.ogs.trieste.it/ |
Role | Resource provider: Party that supplies the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Ifremer, VIGIES (Information Valuation Service for Integrated Management and Monitoring) |
Voice | +33 (02 |
Delivery point | Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu BP 1105 |
City | NANTES CEDEX 03 |
Postal code | 44311 |
Country | France |
Electronic mail address | morgan.le.moigne@ifremer.fr |
Linkage | https://wwz.ifremer.fr/Recherche/Departements-scientifiques/Departement-Oceanographie-et-Dynamique-des-Ecosystemes/VIGIES |
Role | Custodian: Party that accepts accountability and responsability for the data and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IFREMER, SISMER, Scientific Information Systems for the SEA |
Voice | +33 (0)2 |
Delivery point | IFREMER Centre de Bretagne ZI Pointe du diable CS 10070 |
Postal code | 29280 |
Country | France |
Electronic mail address | sismer@ifremer.fr |
Linkage | http://data.ifremer.fr/SISMER |
Role | Custodian: Party that accepts accountability and responsability for the data and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Abruzzo |
Voice | 0039 085450021 |
Delivery point | Viale G. Marconi, 49 |
City | Pescara |
Postal code | 65126 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | info@artaabruzzo.it |
Linkage | https://www.artaabruzzo.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Basilicata |
Voice | 0039 0971656111 |
Delivery point | Via Della Fisica 18 C/D |
City | Potenza |
Postal code | 85100 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | protocollo@pec.arpab.it |
Linkage | http://www.arpab.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Calabria |
Delivery point | Via Lungomare, Loc. Mosca (zona Giovino-Porto) |
City | Catanzaro Lido |
Postal code | 88063 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | urp@arpacal.it |
Linkage | http://www.arpacal.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Campania |
Voice | 0039 0812326214 |
Delivery point | Via Vicinale Santa Maria del Pianto Centro Polifunzionale, Torre 1 |
City | Napoli |
Postal code | 80143 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | segreteria@arpacampania.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpacampania.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Emilia-Romagna, Struttura Oceanografica Daphne |
Delivery point | Centro Ricerche Marine Viale Vespucci 2 |
City | Cesenatico |
Postal code | 47042 |
Country | Italy |
Linkage | http://www.arpa.emr.it/Daphne/index.asp |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Alto Adriatico Observatory |
Voice | +39 0432 922 611 |
Delivery point | Via Cairoli, 14 - 33057 Palmanova (UD) |
City | Palmanova (UD) |
Postal code | 33057 |
Country | Italy |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Lazio |
Delivery point | Via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi 7 |
City | Reiti |
Country | Italy |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Liguria |
Voice | +3901064371 |
Delivery point | Via Bombrini 8 |
City | Genova |
Postal code | 16149 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | info@arpal.gov.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpal.gov.it/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Marche |
Voice | 0039 0712132720 |
Delivery point | Via Ruggeri, 5 |
City | Ancona |
Postal code | 60131 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | dg.arpam@ambiente.marche.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpa.marche.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Molise |
Voice | 0039 0874492600 |
Delivery point | VIa U. Petrella, 1 |
City | Campobasso |
Postal code | 86100 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | dirgen@arpamolise.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpamolise.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Puglia |
Voice | 0039 0805460111 |
Delivery point | Corso Trieste, 27 |
City | Bari |
Postal code | 70126 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | dir.generale.arpapuglia@pec.rupar.puglia.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpa.puglia.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Sardegna |
Voice | 0039 070271681 |
Delivery point | Via Contivecchi, 7 |
City | Cagliari |
Postal code | 09122 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | info@arpa.sardegna.it |
Linkage | https://www.sardegnaambiente.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Sicilia |
Voice | 0039 091598260 |
Delivery point | Viale Cristoforo Colombo |
City | Palermo |
Postal code | 90149 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | arpa@arpa.sicilia.it |
Linkage | https://www.arpa.sicilia.it |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Toscana, Area Tutela Ambiente Marino |
Voice | 055 32061 |
Delivery point | Via Porpora, 22 Firenze |
City | Firenze |
Postal code | 50144 |
Country | Italy |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | ARPA Veneto, Osservatorio Regionale Acque |
Delivery point | Piazzale Stazione, 1 |
City | Padova |
Postal code | 35131 |
Country | Italy |
Electronic mail address | ats@arpa.veneto.it |
Linkage | http://www.arpa.veneto.it/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Association Oceaneye |
Voice | +41786371673 |
Delivery point | rue Royaume 10 |
City | Genève |
Postal code | 1201 |
Country | Switzerland |
Electronic mail address | info@oceaneye.ch |
Linkage | https://www.oceaneye.ch/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Department of Marine Systems at Tallinn University of Technology |
Voice | +372 6204300 |
Delivery point | MSI, Akadeemia tee 15a |
City | Tallinn |
Postal code | 12618 |
Country | Estonia |
Electronic mail address | msi@msi.ttu.ee |
Linkage | https://www.taltech.ee/meresusteemide-instituut |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Finnish Environment Institute |
Voice | +358295 251 000 |
Delivery point | Latokartanonkaari 11 |
City | Helsinki |
Postal code | 00790 |
Country | Finland |
Linkage | https://www.syke.fi/en-US |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (Westshore campus) |
Voice | +49 431 600-0 |
Delivery point | Düsternbrooker Weg 20 |
City | Kiel |
Postal code | 24105 |
Country | Germany |
Electronic mail address | info@geomar.de |
Linkage | https://www.geomar.de/en/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography |
Voice | +30-22910-76452. -76460 |
Delivery point | 46.7 km Athinon-Souniou Av. P.O.Box 712 |
City | Anavyssos |
Postal code | 19013 |
Country | Greece |
Electronic mail address | iosecretariat@hcmr.gr |
Linkage | https://www.hcmr.gr/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IEO, Spanish Oceanographic Institute |
Voice | +34 91 342 11 00 |
Delivery point | Corazon de Maria, 8 |
City | MADRID |
Postal code | 28002 |
Country | Spain |
Electronic mail address | cedo@ieo.es |
Linkage | http://www.ieo.es |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | IEO-CSIC, Vigo Oceanographic Centre |
Voice | +34 986 492 111 |
Delivery point | Subida a Radio Faro 50-52 |
City | Vigo |
Postal code | 36390 |
Country | Spain |
Electronic mail address | ieo.vigo@ieo.csic.es |
Linkage | http://www.ieo.es/vigo |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Ifremer, Environment Resources Laboratory Provence Azur Corsica (La Seyne-sur-Mer) |
Voice | +33 (0)4 94 30 48 00 |
Delivery point | Centre Ifremer Méditerranée Zone portuaire de Brégaillon CS 20330 |
Postal code | 83507 |
Country | France |
Linkage | https://wwz.ifremer.fr/mediterranee/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Ifremer, Fisheries Science and Technology (Plouzane) |
Voice | +33 (0)2 98 22 43 66 |
Delivery point | Centre Ifremer Bretagne ZI Pointe du diable CS 10070 |
Postal code | 29280 |
Country | France |
Linkage | https://wwz.ifremer.fr/sciences_technologies_halieutiques |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia |
Voice | +386(0)14775300 |
Delivery point | Dunajska 156 |
City | Ljubljana |
Postal code | 1000 |
Country | Slovenia |
Electronic mail address | info@izvrs.si |
Linkage | http://www.izvrs.si/?lang=en |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University |
Voice | +90 (324) 5212406 |
Delivery point | P.O.Box 28 |
City | Erdemli |
Postal code | 33731 |
Country | Turkey |
Linkage | http://ims.metu.edu.tr/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management |
Delivery point | Müsküle Sok. No. 1 Vefa |
City | Istanbul |
Postal code | 34470 |
Country | Turkey |
Linkage | https://www.istanbul.edu.tr/enstituler/denizbilimleri/denizbilimleri.htm |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology |
Voice | +371 67601995, +371 67614840, +371 67610851 |
Delivery point | Voleru str.4 |
City | Riga |
Postal code | LV-1007 |
Country | Latvia |
Electronic mail address | juris.aigars@lhei.lv |
Linkage | http://www.lhei.lv/en |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Point of contact
Organisation name | Planete Urgence |
Voice | +33(0) |
Delivery point | 47 avenue Pasteur Mundo-M. |
City | Montreuil |
Postal code | 93100 |
Country | France |
Linkage | https://planete-urgence.org/ |
Role | Originator: Party who created the resource |
Descriptive keywords
Thèmes Sextant | /Human Activities/Pollution |
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 | |
Parameter Discovery Vocabulary (P02) | Micro-litter in water bodies |
SeaVoX salt and fresh water body gazetteer |
Aegean Sea
Asian mainland
Balearic Sea
Lyme Bay
Dover Strait
Gulf of Riga
Celtic Sea
Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin
English Channel
Adriatic Sea
Gulf of Finland
Ionian Sea
Bay of Biscay
Central Baltic Sea
Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin
Tyrrhenian Sea
Sound Sea
Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W)
Matrix Categories | water body |
EMODnet Chemistry chemical groups | Marine litter |
Mission Atlantic - Resources | Data |
Mission Atlantic - Case Studies | Celtic Seas |
Mission Atlantic - Work Package | WP4 Benthic Mapping |
Mission Atlantic - BODC Parameters | /Environment/Pollution |
Mission Atlantic - Data type (DMP) | Spatial data products |
Ocean Hackathon - City and challenge |
/Kuala Lumpur/KUL08
/La Rochelle/LAR01
Other keywords | EMODnet Chemistry |
Spatial representation type | Vector: Vector data is used to represent geographic data |
Topic category code |
Reference System Information
Unique resource identifier | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) |
Codespace | EPSG |
Hierarchy level | Series: Information applies to the series |
Statement | The data used as input for this product have been extracted from the EMODnet Chemistry Download Service: https://emodnet-chemistry.maris.nl/search |
Domain consistency
Conformance result
Resource constraints
Transfer options
File identifier | ac4b5e9d-8fc0-46c2-b297-4c2591ad5d2d | ||||||||
Metadata language | English | ||||||||
Character set | UTF8: 8-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646 | ||||||||
Hierarchy level | Series: Information applies to the series | ||||||||
Hierarchy level name | Product record | ||||||||
Date stamp | 2025-02-21T09:18:48.522445Z | ||||||||
Metadata standard name | ISO 19115:2003/19139 - EMODNET - SDN | ||||||||
Metadata standard version | 1.0 | ||||||||

- geoDesc
- {{d}}
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- {{mdView.current.record.geoDescCode}}
- creationDate
- publicationDate
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- tempExtentBegin
Associated resources
Not available