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    This series of products displays the main functional types of benthic macroinvertebrates derived from a multivariate analysis of 13 life history traits. Several occurrence lists from EMODnet Biology were combined. A multivariate analysis of the life history traits revealed three main living modes. All final outcomes were interpolated by DIVAnd, the n-dimensional Data Interpolating Variational Analysis tool.

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    This series of products displays the distributions of the main functional types of benthic and bentho-pelagic fish species derived from a multivariate analysis of eight life history traits. Species data from the International Bottom Trawl Survey data base was combined with a compiled list of life history traits. A multivariate analysis of the life history traits revealed four main living modes. Interpolated maps of the relative distribution of the four living modes were generated in DIVAnd, the n-dimensional Data Interpolating Variational Analysis tool.

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    <p>This dataset includes the data used in in the HELCOM/OSPAR Ballast Water Exemptions Decision Support Tool. This tool was developed in 2013 based on the overall IMO framework, the 21 Baltic and North-East Atlantic coastal states and the EU. It allows user to define 'low risk' routes, as well as other necessary steps in granting exemptions under regulation A-4 of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC)</p>