Algae production plant location
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Data of the companies producing algae (macroalgae, microalgae, Spirulina) in Europe. It contains the coordinates of the production locations, the organism group/groups of focus, the production method used, and the species produced when available. It is the latest update in the database for algae producers in Europe that the Joint Research Centre created. This submission in the EMODnet Data Ingestion Portal concerns an update from a previous submission with the UUID 66ded0bb-9238-43d2-b734-fc55b7d0e49b. Please do not consider the submission with UUID f095d7fa-e273-4728-bf1d-f6fb7abb4816.
Data of the companies producing algae (macroalgae, microalgae, Spirulina) in Europe. It contains the coordinates of the production locations, the organism group/groups of focus, the production methods used, and the species produced when available. It is the latest update in the database of algae producers in Europe that the Joint Research Centre created.
Data of the companies producing algae (macroalgae, microalgae, Spirulina) in Europe. It contains the coordinates of the production locations, the organism group/groups of focus, the production method used, and the species produced when available. It is the latest update in the database for algae producers in Europe that the Joint Research Centre created. This submission in the EMODnet Data Ingestion Portal concerns an update from a previous submission with the UUID 66ded0bb-9238-43d2-b734-fc55b7d0e49b.
Data of the companies producing algae (macroalgae, microalgae, Spirulina) in Europe. It contains the coordinates of the production locations, the organism group/groups of focus, the production method used, and the species produced when available. It is the latest update in the database for algae producers in Europe that the Joint Research Centre created. This submission in the EMODnet Data Ingestion Portal concerns an update from a previous submission with the UUID 66ded0bb-9238-43d2-b734-fc55b7d0e49b.
Data of the companies producing algae (macroalgae, microalgae, Spirulina) in Europe. It contains the coordinates of the production locations, the organism group/groups of focus, the production method used, and the species produced when available. It is the latest update in the database for algae producers in Europe that the Joint Research Centre created. This submission in the EMODnet Data Ingestion Portal concerns an update from a previous submission with the UUID 66ded0bb-9238-43d2-b734-fc55b7d0e49b.
Dataset including algae and Spirulina producers. Last update from January 2021
The data-set is composed of three tables, Environmental variables, Phytoplankton ( in log+1 abundance) and the coordinates of the station used in the study. They are the processed data. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Algae production
Algae production
Narrative summary of dataset *: The main aim of this project is to build a reliable database to characterize the algae sector and to support informed European policies on Blue Growth and Bioeconomy.