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A geotechnical survey campaign was undertaken within the vicinity of the Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm. This was supported by a preliminary review of acoustic data and assessment for the presence of Annex I reefs to minimise the risk of potential damage to protected features. Following the review of existing data, a drop down video survey protocol was developed (EMU, 2011) and approved by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). Part of this protocol identified that a number of proposed geotechnical sampling sites were likely to be in the vicinity of potential Annex I reefs and therefore warranted field ground-truthing by means of drop down video to verify the presence and status of these features. The video ground-truthing survey has now been completed. Drawing upon the findings of this survey, the 2012 EMU report present within this series provides an update of the assessment of the potential Annex I reefs present at the proposed geotechnical sample locations and fulfils condition 3.1.1 of the Marine Licence (Licence L/2011/001075). The aim of the 2013 Fugro EMU document also present within this series was to satisfy Marine Licence condition 31.22 and to address the responses from the MMO regarding the Annex I reef features (letter ref: REN024, dated 12th April 2013, and 21st June 2013). The objectives were to assess the impacts (direct and indirect) of the construction activities on the potential Annex I features. The objectives of this report were to: 1. Assess the direct impact (loss of habitat) of each of the construction activities; 2. Assess the associated indirect impacts (increase in sediment smothering, and suspended sediment concentrations. 3. Assess the cumulative impacts of all construction activities.
The Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS) was commissioned by Forewind Ltd to carry out a Phase 1 biotope survey of the intertidal zone located between the towns of Redcar and Marske-by-the-Sea, Tees estuary, Teesside. This area has been identified as a preferred landfall location for export cables, with the ultimate aim of connecting offshore wind farms off the Teesside coastline to the National Grid. The intertidal survey was completed as part of the development of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) required from Forewind Ltd to continue with the proposal to use this area as a landfall site.
Lewis Wave Power Ltd. (LWP) (a wholly owned subsidiary of Aquamarine Power Ltd.) was seeking to develop a wave energy demonstration array off the west coast of the Isle of Lewis. As a first stage of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the project, LWP commissioned Royal Haskoning Ltd. to produce an Environmental Scoping Report (Lewis Wave Power Ltd., 2011) to facilitate the identification and assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the project. The survey reported on here formed this field-based benthic component. Its purpose was to provide site-specific benthic data to inform an assessment of impact of the proposed development. The key objectives were to: Determine the distribution and abundance of marine habitats and communities within the study areas; Determine the substrate type at all locations sampled and Identify habitats or species of conservation importance.
The dataset provides full-coverage maps of the habitats and biotopes in the German Baltic Sea at a resolution of 1 x 1 km for the entire region and at 50 x 50 m resolution in specific areas. We combined geological and biological surveys to map the seabed and collected extensive data to classify different habitats and their associated benthic communities. Using newly established national guidelines and predictive habitat modelling, we produced highly accurate maps. The maps show Broad and Other Habitat Types (including Habitats Directive Annex I habitat types) according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) as well as HELCOM HUB biotope types. Detailed documentation is available at:
The dataset contains the results of the monitoring activity in distinct years in Slovenian coastal waters related to contaminants in Sea water, sediments and biota.
The dataset contains the results of the monitoring activity in distinct years in Slovenian coastal waters related to contaminants in sediments and biota.
Coralligenous and Rhodolith beds found in Oceana expeditons between 2006 and 2020
List of macroinvertebrate taxa found in Sacharina latissima and Alaria esculenta cultivated on longlines. Objectives within WP6 of GENIALG: assessing the biodiversity associated with cultivated seaweed. Location of seaweed farm: Ventry Harbour, Ireland. Dataset consists of macroinvertebrate taxa identified and enumerated from 25 cm replicate seaweed samples removed from the longlines. The samples were collected at seven different time points along the growing season in 2018 and 2019. Samples collected as part of the GENIALG project (project ID: 727892, GENIALG - GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative Macro-ALGal biorefinery, GENIALG was funded by the European Union Horizon2020 programme. The remit of the work was assessing the environmental footprint and ecosystem services provided by seaweed aquaculture in Europe to provide best practice advice to industry.
The MYTIAD project focused on the assessment of chemical contamination (metals, PAHs, PCBs and organochlorine pesticides) in the Adriatic coastal waters by active mussel watching. Its purpose was harmonising and standardising strategies and methodologies used to assess the contamination status of the Adriatic Sea, in the framework of the WFD, the MSFD and UNEP/MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme. Data on metals pointed out some hotspots along the eastern and western Adriatic Sea coasts, with the highest values of total PAH concentration detected in Split, Trieste, and Taranto (Ionian Sea). PCB and endrin contamination was higher in the Adriatic Sea than in the western Mediterranean Sea. This is the first comprehensive overview of contamination in the Adriatic Sea with critical comparisons of related studies over the Mediterranean Sea. It provides a useful harmonised dataset to support a coordinated definition of baselines, targets and thresholds, and further management of chemical contamination. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Het monitoren van schelpdierbestanden vormt een permanente basis voor het uitvoeren van het Nederlandse beleid ten aanzien van de exploitatie van schelpdieren en de bescherming van het mariene milieu. Uitgangspunt van het Nederlands beleid ten aanzien van de exploitatie van schelpdieren is dat de beperkende maatregelen voor de visserij zoveel mogelijk moeten worden toegesneden op de natuurdoelstelling, waarbij een evenwichtige afweging tussen economische belangen en natuurbelang noodzakelijk is. Jaarlijks worden door Wageningen Marine Research in de Nederlandse kustwateren (Waddenzee, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde en Kustzone) schelpdiersurveys uitgevoerd, waarbij onderzocht wordt wat de verspreiding en omvang is van de belangrijkste commerciële schelpdiersoorten. Dit zijn vooral mosselen, kokkels, mesheften en Japanse oesters, maar ook overige soorten met een bepaald belang voor ecologie dan wel visserij worden meegenomen. Daarnaast worden ook vangstgegevens van de beroepsvisserij verzameld. De gegevens worden gebruikt door de overheid bij het al dan niet verlenen van vergunningen om te mogen vissen. Vanuit de nagestreefde balans tussen economische belangen en natuurbelang mag niet gevist worden in jaren waarin te weinig voedsel voor vogels over zou blijven. De schelpdiersector gebruikt de verspreidingskaarten om ieder jaar een visplan op te stellen, behalve natuurlijk in jaren waarin niet gevist wordt omdat er te weinig schelpdieren aanwezig zijn. Verder zijn de survey gegevens van belang voor evaluatie van beheersmaatregelen en effectstudies in het kader van Natura 2000 en de natuurbeschermingswet. Binnen de Natura 2000 gebieden Waddenzee, Oosterschelde, Westerschelde, Voordelta en Noordzee Kustzone zijn instandhoudingsdoelstellingen opgesteld voor verschillende vogelsoorten die zijn aangewezen op schelpdieren als voedselbron. Daarnaast vormen schelpdierbanken een belangrijk element in verschillende habitattypen.