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Gridded abundance maps of commercial fish species. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by ICES (IBTS dataset - Fish trawl survey: ICES North Sea International Bottom Trawl Survey for commercial fish species. ICES Database of trawl surveys (DATRAS). The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Copenhagen. 2010. Online source: The maps show clearly the dramatic stock depletion of the last decades in the North Sea. Scale: log-transformed CPUE.
These products are a series of gridded abundance maps of microorganisms in the North Sea from 2007-2008 at four different depth ranges. Micro-organisms are vital for the functioning of marine food webs (considered in MSFD descriptor 4) and are the main drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by NIOZ (C. Brussaard - Brandsma, J.; Martínez Martínez, J.; Slagter, H.A.; Evans, C.; Brussaard, C.P.D. (2013). Microbial biogeography of the North Sea during summer. Biogeochemistry 113(1-3): 119-136. ).
Gridded abundance maps of selected benthos taxa in the North Sea. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and the Scale: log-transformed abundance. Data was derived from the 1986 North Sea Benthos Survey (Craeymeersh J., P. Kingston, E. Rachor, G. Duineveld, Carlo Heip, Edward Vanden Berghe, 1986: North Sea Benthos Survey.).
Gridded abundance map of marine birds around the Azores. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by the Azores Fisheries Observation Programme (POPA).
Gridded abundance maps representing diatoms and dinoflagellates in the North Atlantic and North Sea between 1958 and 2012. Phytoplankton organisms are responsible for about 45% of annual global photosynthesis. They are as such vital for the functioning of marine food webs (considered in MSFD descriptor 4) and are the main drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and the scale represents log-transformed abundance. Data was provided by SAHFOS (Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) data (phytoplankton) from the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS)).
Gridded abundance maps representing Dinophysis species, phytoplankton taxon richness and algal toxicity along the French coast. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). Data was provided by IFREMER (REPHY - réseau de surveillance du phytoplancton. Institut Français pour la Recherche et l'exploitation de la mer, Nantes, France.).
This series of products displays the distributions of the main functional types of benthic and bentho-pelagic fish species derived from a multivariate analysis of eight life history traits. Species data from the International Bottom Trawl Survey data base was combined with a compiled list of life history traits. A multivariate analysis of the life history traits revealed four main living modes. Interpolated maps of the relative distribution of the four living modes were generated in DIVAnd, the n-dimensional Data Interpolating Variational Analysis tool.
This data product is a series of gridded abundance maps for 40 zooplankton species from 2007 to 2013 in the Baltic Sea, based on a neural network analysis. As input data a combination of EMODnet Biology datasets were used, together with the environmental variables dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, chlorophyll concentration bathymetry and the distance from coast. Additionally the position (latitude and longitude) and the year are provided to the neural network. DIVAnd (n-dimensional Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and the neural network library Knet were used in this analysis.
Mixoplankton (sensu Flynn et al., 2019) is a newly introduced term indicating plankton that is capabable of both photosynthesis and phagotrophy. More details are found in Flynn et al., (2019). The potential trophic state can be seen as an inherent characteristic of plankton species. A literature and expert-knowledge study has provided the classification in either phototrophy or mixotrophy which is submitted as traits data to WoRMS. This analysis makes use of this classification to estimate the spatial and temporal distribution of the fraction of mixoplanktonic species in the Greater North Sea including the Celtic Seas. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 766327.
Gridded abundance product representing chlorophyll-a values in the Dutch North Sea from 1976 till 2014. Chlorophyll –a can be interpreted as a proxy for phytoplankton. The resulting values vary seasonally. The winter concentrations are lower because low light and temperature are not optimal for phytoplankton growth. In spring we observe the highest concentrations occurring in near coastal waters where nutrients from rivers are most abundant. Phytoplankton organisms are responsible for about 45% of annual global photosynthesis. They are as such vital for the functioning of marine food webs (considered in MSFD descriptor 4) and are the main drivers of the global biogeochemical cycles. This product was developed with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) and the scale is log-transformed abundance (in µg per liter). Data was provided by Rijkswaterstaat (RWS).