Currents, sea level and waves
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The East Sea Real-time Ocean Buoy (ESROB) is a surface mooring that has been in operation off the mid-east coast of Korea since 1999. The ESROB is 9 km off the coast (37° 32.24’N; 129° 12.92’E) in a water depth of 130 m, and provides meteorological and oceanographic (physical and biogeochemical) data every 10 min from Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instruments. The data provided here were collected between 2016 and 2020 and follow the data collected by previous publications. The data were quality controlled and assured using typical data processing methods, and have been used to address temporal variations in currents and water properties, as well as wind-and tide-induced internal waves. The uploaded data files contain variables in a NetCDF format that were obtained during each deployment. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Apataki Atoll has been instrumented over a period of 3 months (from April 2022 to late July 2022) separated into 2 Legs. Physical process such as water level, currents ciruclation, water exchanges into passes and "hoa" and water column stratification have been measured to characterized the hydrodynamic functioning of this semi-opened pearl farming atoll. Numerous moorings have been deployed into lagoon, passes, hoa and external reef slope stations with common autonomous oceanographic instruments measuring at high sampling frequency. During the sampling period, one major meteorological event occurred, a distant mega swell hit the South-West Islands of French Polynesia including Apataki on 14th July and has significantly impacted its hydrodynamic. Sampling strategy available on Sextant - (Marine Geographic Information System.)-[] More informations on (ANR MANA project.)-[] Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Takaroa Atoll has been instrumented for a short period of 3 months (from July 2022 to October 2022) in order to get additionnal data into Takaroa passage (Teauoae Pass). One ADCP has been deployed to measure current direction and speed over the water column to evaluate the water exchanges between the lagoon and the ocean of this semi-open pearl farming atoll. Sampling strategy available on (Sextant - Marine Geographic Information System.)-[] More informations on (ANR MANA project.)-[] Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Raroia Atoll has been instrumented over a period of 10 months (from May 2018 to late March 2019) separated into 3 Legs and 1 extra leg (namely "shortleg"). Physical process such as water level, wave climate, currents ciruclation, exchanges between ocean and lagoon by passes and "hoa" and water column stratification have been measured to characterized the hydrodynamic functioning of this semi-open pearl farming atoll. Numerous moorings have been deployed into lagoon, hoa, passes and external reef slope stations with common autonomous oceanographic instruments measuring at high sampling frequency. Sampling strategy available on Sextant - (Marine Geographic Information System.)-[] More informations on (ANR MANA project)-[]. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.
Arc-en-Sub: Seafloor current meter records at Rainbow Massif (AES_C01, AES_C02A, AES_C02B), May 2022
Current meter Nortek Aquadopp data. Data for 2 current meter deployments of NORTEK Aquadopp instruments at the Rainbow Massif. Instruments where kindly provided by the Parc National d'Instrumentation Océanographique de l'INSU. Data is provided in 2 sets of files, corresponding to deployments AES_C01 and AES_C02. The instruments where installed in a broadband OBS (BBOBS) from the INSU OBS National Park. Deployment AES_C02 includes two lowerings (see information below, indicated as deployments AES_C02A and AES_C02B). AES_C01 with current meter serial number : A6L6094 (head) AQD11097 (Hardware), deployed on BB03 with deployment AES_B01_BB3. Bottom position: 36.23544°N, 33.91036°W, 2505 m waterdepth. AES_C02_A with current meter serial number : A6L6127 (head) AQD11247 (Hardware), deployed on BB02, deployment AES_B03_BB02. Bottom position: 36.22233°N, 33.87996°W, 1950m waterdepth. AES_C02_B with current meter serial number : A6L6127 (head) AQD11247 (Hardware), deployed on BB02, deployment AES_B06_BB02. Bottom position: 36.2020833°N, 33.8118833°W, 2557m waterdepth. Data are provided in two zipped files that include: AESC0101.aqd: Aquadopp binary file AESC0101.dat: Ascii table of data - full record AESC0101.dia: Aescii data file - partial record AESC0101.hdr: Instrument parameter information and description of columns in AESC0101.dat AESC0101.mat: Matlab file corresponding to AESC0101.dat AESC0101.ssl: Log of instrument (error and info messages) In addition to several instrument logs: AESC01_start.log AES_C01_deploy.dep AESC01_start.dep The ascii file contains 27 columns as follows: 1 Month (1-12) 2 Day (1-31) 3 Year 4 Hour (0-23) 5 Minute (0-59) 6 Second (0-59) 7 Error code 8 Status code 9 Velocity (Beam1|X|East) (m/s) 10 Velocity (Beam2|Y|North) (m/s) 11 Velocity (Beam3|Z|Up) (m/s) 12 Amplitude (Beam1) (counts) 13 Amplitude (Beam2) (counts) 14 Amplitude (Beam3) (counts) 15 Battery voltage (V) 16 Soundspeed (m/s) 17 Soundspeed used (m/s) 18 Heading (degrees) 19 Pitch (degrees) 20 Roll (degrees) 21 Pressure (dbar) 22 Pressure (m) 23 Temperature (degrees C) 24 Analog input 1 25 Analog input 2 26 Speed (m/s) 27 Direction (degrees) Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.