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This dataset contains the habitats map from the SCI (Site of Community Importance) ÔÇ£Volcanes de fango del Golfo de C├ídizÔÇØ. The Gulf of Cadiz is located in the eastern sector of the North Atlantic Ocean, to the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Mud Volcanoes are seafloor edifices, of a usually conical geometry, that result from the release of mud, hydrocarbon and fluids in gas-rich areas over pressured sediments. This study was supported by the INDEMARES-LIFE+ Project, EC contract INDEMARES-LIFE+ (07/NAT/E/000732): Inventory and Designation of the Natura 2000 network in marine areas of the Spanish State ( This work was coordinated by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, and the Biodiversity Foundation ( The interpretation has been made possible thanks to direct and indirect samplings and geophysical data from campaigns INDEMARES_CHICA (CHICA0610, CHICA0211, CHICA1011 and CHICA0412). Habitats are classified according to EUNIS nomenclature and the List of Marine Habitats in Spain (LPRE, that itÔÇÖs classified hierarchically and was completed and published in March 2013).
This dataset contains the main habitats maps from the SCI (Site of Community Importance) ÔÇ£Banco de GaliciaÔÇØ. The Galician Bank is a deep underwater mountain located at the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, 180 km from the Galician coast (in the north-east Atlantic Ocean). Its summit is located at a depth of between 650 and 1,500 metres. Its steep slopes descend from the summit to the abyssal plains located 4,000 meters below sea level. This study was supported by the INDEMARES-LIFE+ Project, EC contract INDEMARES-LIFE+ (07/NAT/E/000732): Inventory and Designation of the Natura 2000 network in marine areas of the Spanish State ( This work was coordinated by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, and the Biodiversity Foundation ( The interpretation has been made possible thanks to direct and indirect samplings and geophysical data from campaigns "ECOMARG09", "INDEMARES_BANGAL0810", "INDEMARES_BANGAL0711" and "RADPROF0912". Habitats are classified according to EUNIS nomenclature and the List of Marine Habitats in Spain (LPRE, that itÔÇÖs classified hierarchically and was completed and published in March 2013).
This dataset contains the main habitats maps from the SCI (Site of Community Importance) ÔÇ£Sur de Almer├¡a - Seco de los OlivosÔÇØ. Seco de los Olivos is a seamount situated in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean, southeast Iberian peninsula). This study was supported by the INDEMARES-LIFE+ Project, EC contract INDEMARES-LIFE+ (07/NAT/E/000732): Inventory and Designation of Marine Natura 2000 Network areas in the Spanish seas ( This work was coordinated by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, and the Biodiversity Foundation ( The interpretation has been made possible thanks to direct and indirect samplings and geophysical data from campaigns ÔÇ£OCEANA I-2010ÔÇØ, ÔÇ£OCEANA II-2011ÔÇØ, ÔÇ£OCEANA III-2012ÔÇØ and ÔÇ£INDEMARES_SECO1012ÔÇØ. Habitats are classified according to EUNIS nomenclature and the List of Marine Habitats in Spain (LPRE, that itÔÇÖs classified hierarchically and was completed and published in March 2013).
This dataset contains the habitats map from the SCI (Site of Community Importance) ÔÇ£Sistema de ca├▒ones submarinos de Avil├®sÔÇØ (Avil├®s Canyon System). The Avil├®s Canyon system is located in the eastern sector of the North Atlantic Ocean, on the continental margin to the north of the Iberian Peninsula. It is structurally a highly complex area, where the continental shelf in the Bay of Biscay is deeply affected by the action of tectonic compression, containing important geomorphological elements; these include: three great submarine canyons, a marginal platform and a tall structural rocky mass. This study was supported by the INDEMARES-LIFE+ Project, EC contract INDEMARES-LIFE+ (07/NAT/E/000732): Inventory and Designation of the Natura 2000 network in marine areas of the Spanish State ( This work was coordinated by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, and the Biodiversity Foundation ( The interpretation has been made possible thanks to direct and indirect samplings and geophysical data from campaigns INDEMARES (AVILES_0710, AVILES_0410, AVILES_0412-0912). Habitats are classified according to EUNIS nomenclature and the List of Marine Habitats in Spain (LPRE, that itÔÇÖs classified hierarchically and was completed and published in March 2013).