
Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin

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    Database of annotated data - This dataset focuses on real-time or in-situ sound signatures from marine environments. These sounds have been validated and labelled by experts (team members) and are harmonized in terms of characteristics, metadata, and format. It serves a dual purpose: as a training set to refine the AI algorithm and as a test set to validate its performance.

  • This data set contains the CTD data collected by the Stazione Oceanografica of CNR (Italy) from RV URANIA during eight oceanographic campaigns (Table 1). These cruises were part of an intensive field program in the Sicily Channel and in the southern Tyrrhenian basin conducted within the MATER project, funded under FP4-MAS3 (Grant agreement ID: MAS3960051). Data have been used in several studies (see Related documents). Table1 Cruise name       Date (from – to)                                         MATER0              6 March 1996 - 19 March 1996                       MATER1              16 September 1996 - 3 October 1996            MATER2              14 January 1997 - 30 January 1997              MATER3              1 October 1997 - 21 October 1997                MATER4              28 April 1998 - 12 May 1998                        MATER5              14 October 1998 - 27 October 1998              MATER6              14 May 1999 - 30 May 1999                         MATER7              15 November - 1999 26 November 1999      839 CTD profiles were collected using a Neil-Brown MKIII CTD and profiles in stations 620, 621, 622 of MATER6 were collected with a Seabird 911plus probe. The probes were calibrated in temperature and conductivity at the SACLANT Center of La Spezia, before and after each cruise, and at sea in salinity, against water samples. Declared instrumental precisions were 0.002 °C for temperature and 0.005 for salinity (PSS-78). The data set is provided per cruise as ODV Spreadsheet files in TXT format, containing: Cruise name Station number Type of acquisition (here C for CTD) Date in mon/day/yr and Time in hh:mm:ss Coordinates in Longitude [degrees_east] and Latitude [degrees_north] Bottom depth [m] Depth, salt water [m] Temperature, IPTS-68 [degC] Temperature, ITS-90 [degC] Salinity, PSS-78 (Practical Salinity)   Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • This dataset contains the CTD data collected during the GOMBESSA 6 cruise, from 1 to 12 July 2021, in Corsica, western Mediterranean, jointly by the (MARBEC MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation)-[] (France) teams. The full-depth CTD profiles were performed using an autonomous SeaBird SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD, from the Pionnier vessel belonging to (Seaowl)-[] France and chartered by the French Navy. Nine stations, from the depth of 115 m to the surface, were sampled off the Corsica coasts (western Mediterranean basin) between latitude 43.11-43.74 °N and longitude 9.49-9.52 °E. The acquisition rate was 4 Hz. The accuracy, specified by the manufacturer, were ± 0.005 °C for temperature and ± 0.0005 S/m for conductivity. The dataset is provided in different formats (CSV, NetCDF, Ocean Data View collection), which contains, for each station the following parameters: Depth [salt_water,m] Temperature [ITS-90,deg-C] pH Salinity, Practical [PSU] Conductivity [S/m] Density [kg/m^3] Oxygen [mL/L] Oxygen_sat [% saturation] Oxygen_umoll [umol/L] Turbidity [NTU] Fluorescence [mg/m^3] Light [PAR/Irradiance] QC (reference: OceanSITES quality flags Julian Days and UTC time (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss) The ZIP archives contain 1/ a map of stations 2/ the list of the ID stations, geographic coordinates and general metadata 3/ all raw data acquired, for all parameters, in CNV format, 4/ the downcasts and upcasts in CSV format, 5/ the upcasts only in ODV, 6/ NetCDF and 7/ TXT formats, and 8/ two vertical profile graphs including all stations (sea water temperature and oxygen). All data acquired are publicly accessible without any restriction (under CC-BY licence). The extracted data are accessible from this GOMBESSA 6 landing page with a downloadable ZIP file. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

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    This visualization product displays the density of floating micro-litter per net normalized in grams per km² per year from specific protocols different from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to a very specific protocol such as the Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) or Oceaneye. Densities were calculated for each net using the following calculation: Density (weight of particles per km²) = Micro-litter weight / (Sampling effort (km) * Net opening (cm) * 0.00001) When the weight of microlitters or the net opening was not filled, it was not possible to calculate the density. Percentiles 50, 75, 95 & 99 have been calculated taking into account data for all years. Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.

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    This visualization product displays the type of litter in percent per net per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. To calculate percentages for each type, formula applied is: Type (%) = (∑number of particles of each type)*100 / (∑number of particles of all type) When the number of micro-litters was not filled or was equal zero, it was not possible to calculate the percentage. This visualization product displays the type of litter in percent per net per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. To calculate percentages for each type, formula applied is: Type (%) = (∑number of particles of each type)*100 / (∑number of particles of all type) When the number of micro-litters was not filled or was equal to zero, it was not possible to calculate the percentage. Standard vocabularies for micro-litter types are taken from Seadatanet's H01 library ( ). Some morphological types of micro-litters may have been sampled but were not defined by the protocole applied during the survey. They are represented as « undefined micro-litter items ». Warnings: - the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area. - since 03/07/2023, the preferred label « Undefined micro-litter items » has been integrated into the H01 library whereas the labels « microplastic items », « non-plastic man-made micro-particles (e.g. glass, metal, tar) » and «non-plastic filaments (natural fibres, rubber) » have been deprecated. When defined, the material or polymer type can be checked directly in the source data.

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    This visualization product displays the size of litter in percent per net per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. To calculate percentages for each size, formula applied is: Size (%) = (∑number of particles of each size)*100 / (∑number of particles of all size) When the number of microlitters was not filled or was equal to zero, it was not possible to calculate the percentage. Standard vocabularies for microliter sizes are taken from Seadatanet's H03 library ( ). Different protocols with different degrees of precision were used to classify the sampled micro-litters. Consequently, on the map, the distribution of micro-litter in the size classes depends on the protocol applied during the survey. Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.

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    This visualization product displays the size of litter in percent per net per year from specific protocols different from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to a very specific protocol such as the Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) or Oceaneye. To calculate percentages for each size, formula applied is: Size (%) = (∑number of particles of each size)*100 / (∑number of particles of all size) When the number of micro-litters was not filled or was equal to zero, it was not possible to calculate the percentage. Standard vocabularies for micro-litter size classes are taken from Seadatanet's H03 library ( ). Different protocols with different degrees of precision were used to classify the sampled micro-litters. Consequently, on the map, the distribution of micro-litter in the size classes depends on the protocol applied during the survey. Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.

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    This visualization product displays the density of floating micro-litter per net normalized per km² per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. Densities were calculated for each net using the following calculation: Density (number of particles per km²) = Micro-litter count / (Sampling effort (km) * Net opening (cm) * 0.00001) When information about the sampling effort (km) was lacking and point coordinates were known (start and end of the sampling), the sampling effort was calculated using the PostGIS ST_DistanceSpheroid function with a WGS84 measurement spheroid. When the number of micro-litters or the net opening was not filled, it was not possible to calculate the density. Percentiles 50, 75, 95 & 99 have been calculated taking into account data for all years. Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.

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    This visualization product displays the colour of litter in percent per net per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. To calculate percentages for each colour, formula applied is: Colour (%) = (∑number of particles of each colour)*100 / (∑number of particles of all colour) When the number of microlitters was not filled or zero, the percentage could not be calculated. Standard vocabularies for microliter colours are taken from Seadatanet's H04 library ( Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.

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    This visualization product displays the transparency of litter in percent per net per year from research and monitoring protocols. EMODnet Chemistry included the collection of marine litter in its 3rd phase. Before 2021, there was no coordinated effort at the regional or European scale for micro-litter. Given this situation, EMODnet Chemistry proposed to adopt the data gathering and data management approach as generally applied for marine data, i.e., populating metadata and data in the CDI Data Discovery and Access service using dedicated SeaDataNet data transport formats. EMODnet Chemistry is currently the official EU collector of micro-litter data from Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) National Monitoring activities (descriptor 10). A series of specific standard vocabularies or standard terms related to micro-litter have been added to SeaDataNet NVS (NERC Vocabulary Server) Common Vocabularies to describe the micro-litter. European micro-litter data are collected by the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs). Micro-litter map products are generated from NODCs data after a test of the aggregated collection including data and data format checks and data harmonization. A filter is applied to represent only micro-litter sampled according to research and monitoring protocols as MSFD monitoring. To calculate percentages for each transparency, formula applied is: Transparency (%) = (∑number of particles of each transparency)*100 / (∑number of particles of all transparency) When the number of microlitters was not filled or zero, the percentage could not be calculated. Standard vocabularies for microliter transparency are taken from Seadatanet's H06 library ( Warning: the absence of data on the map does not necessarily mean that they do not exist, but that no information has been entered in the National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) for this area.