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CTD casts collected in East Arm and Bonne Bay during August 3-4 to measure the density stratification with depth. Cast depths range from 50 to 200 m. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The Universidad del Caribe responds to the demand for technical support for a workshop with the aim of verify environmental parameters with the use of Technology Applied to Information Registration and GPS, for the monitoring of points of interest, like define the study area, its physical description and its natural context, operate measuring instruments and apply measurement procedures and create databases and metadata. Likewise, CTD cast were carried out to have a database with future application to mariculture, with the purpose of contributing to the economic development of communities in Quintana Roo through economic diversification and regional cultural identity and promoting fair trade and solidarity that favor the production and consumption of original products.This activities of the Node for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (NODESS) called Selva, Mar y Comunidad Pre Registration Folio SINCA_PNSS_20_00009_INAES, made up of the Universidad del Caribe, Directorate of Economic Promotion of the H. Ayuntamiento of Lázaro Cárdenas, Muuch Kaab Cooperative, Cooperative University of Community Innovation, Mar de las Antillas Cooperative and Tianguis del Mayab. This technical report is at the request of the Cooperativa Mar de las Antillas. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The Universidad del Caribe responds to the demand for technical support for the elaboration of specific bathymetric charts for a polygon of 458 Ha that is located between the Isla Contoy National Park and Cayo Alcatraz. The objective was to make a bathymetric map of the polygon and point out the main characteristics or morphological features. Likewise, CTD cast were carried out to have a database with future application to mariculture, with the purpose of contributing to the economic development of communities in Quintana Roo through economic diversification and regional cultural identity and promoting fair trade and solidarity that favor the production and consumption of original products.This activities of the Node for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (NODESS) called Selva, Mar y Comunidad Pre Registration Folio SINCA_PNSS_20_00009_INAES, made up of the Universidad del Caribe, Directorate of Economic Promotion of the H. Ayuntamiento of Lázaro Cárdenas, Muuch Kaab Cooperative, Cooperative University of Community Innovation, Mar de las Antillas Cooperative and Tianguis del Mayab. This technical report is at the request of the Cooperativa Mar de las Antillas. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Memorial University has over the past 15 years been involved in various ocean glider activities with deployments focused primarily on the Newfoundland Shelf and the Labrador Sea. For example, there are four deployments with glider data in the Labrador Sea. Partnerships with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Ocean Gliders Canada have also resulted in deployments of Memorial's gliders in the Pacific. The data contain 14’663 mission kms, 620 deployment days and 25’108 individual glider profiles. L1 NETCDF files for every deployment archived on the Memorial University’s Glider Data server are made available publicly for scientific research. Deployments vary in duration and region. All files were processed with the SOCIB glider toolbox ((Troupin et al., 2015)-[]), modified by Nicolai von Oppeln-Bronikowski, 2019 for MUN glider deployments. Metadata: File creator(s), contact info, institution, applicable funding, responsible researcher(s), deployment region, deployment start, deployment end, longitude min, longitude max, latitude min, latitude max, glider type, glider configuration if known, sensors, sensor serial numbers, science data QC. Glider Data: Minimum Data: Time, Depth, Position, Depth-Averaged Current, CTD. Most Deployments: Oxy_umolL, Oxy_Calphase_DEG, Oxy_sat Some Deployments: pCO2_uatm, pCO2_Calphase_DEG, pCO2_Dphase Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Students and researchers at the University of the Caribbean together with members of the Cooperative Sea of ??the Antilles, conducted an oceanographic campaign at the site called cayo Alcatraz, where there are two underwater springs also known as “ojos de agua”. These springs are located within the polygon of the protected area of ??the Mexican Caribbean Biosphere Reserve, to the west of Isla Contoy National Park. The purpose of the campaign was to begin studies of the environmental conditions and reconnaissance of the site. The measuring instruments used were; SonTek CastAway-CTD, and a Gopro Black 7 camera. were made a set of 12 temperature, salinity, and conductivity profiles. Water samples were also taken for subsequent microbiological analysis. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Near-bottom multibeam bathymetry acquired at the French Antilles volcanic arc between Les Saintes et Dominica islands. High-resolution bathymetry data (1 m/pixel) were acquired by the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) AsterX, deployed during the 2017 Subsaintes cruise ( The dataset consists of dives #394 through #404, after renavigation of the veichile. This dataset includes both grids of individual dives (bathymetry and backscatter, in GRD format), and mosaics combining these dives in 3 larger grids (GEOTIFF). All grids are provided in WGS 84 projection. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Dataset contains bottom temperature data from both fixed and mobile gear types (e.g. traps, trawlers, scallopers, long-liners) in the Gulf of Maine and the South New England Bight. The time series begins in 2015 and runs in real-time until today. The water depths range from 1- 900 meters. The variability associated with tidal, wind, seasonal, and inter-annual processes can be depicted at nearly all sites in this multi-year time series. This data was collected as part of the Environmental Monitors on Lobster Traps (eMOLT) project - a non-profit collaboration of industry, science and academics devoted to the monitoring of the physical environment of the Gulf of Maine and the Southern New England Shelf. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The EUREC4A-OA oceanographic campaign that took place in January-February 2020 in the tropical North-West Atlantic Ocean aboard several research vessels, was a contribution to the broader international research initiative EUREC4A ( The cruise was carried out in conjunction with the research vessels L'Atalante (France), Maria S. Merian and Meteor (Germany) and the Ron Brown (USA) as well as with the aircraft and UAV operations and continuous observations from the ground site on the island of Barbados (BCO) and the Saildrone© operations as part of the US ATOMIC project. This dataset is composed of the uCTD measurements obtained from the R/Vs L'Atalante and Maria S. Merian, processed using a toolbox from GEOMAR-PO based on the article from Ullman and Hebert (JAOT, 2014). A secondary quality check is performed by comparing the uCTD measurements with the nearest CTD stations. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The GEOVIDE cruise was carried out coast to coast between Portugal and Newfoundland via the south tip of Greenland, following the OVIDE line in the eastern part and crossing the Labrador Sea in the western part. The classical hydrographic rosette was cast 163 times at 78 different geographical positions called stations. While the CTD-O2 probe acquired continuous profiles of the “physical” variables (pressure, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen), 22 Niskin bottles were closed at different levels during the upcast to provide samples for biogeochemical analysis. After calibration, we find precisions for pressure, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen that fit the GO-SHIP international quality requirements. In parallel, but not simultaneously, a trace-metal rosette (TMR) was cast 53 times, also acquiring profiles of physical variables, and equipped with 24 Go-Flo bottles adapted for the sampling of trace metals. Depending on the number of operations, stations were identified as “Short” (one single CTD cast), “Large” (3 CTD casts), “XLarge” (up to 6) and “Super” (up to 11). All along the track of the ship, current magnitude and direction was measured by Ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, down to 1000m depth. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The GEOVIDE cruise was carried out coast to coast between Portugal and Newfoundland via the south tip of Greenland, following the OVIDE line in the eastern part and crossing the Labrador Sea in the western part. The classical hydrographic rosette was cast 163 times at 78 different geographical positions called stations. While the CTD-O2 probe acquired continuous profiles of the “physical” variables (pressure, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen), 22 Niskin bottles were closed at different levels during the upcast to provide samples for biogeochemical analysis. After calibration, we find precisions for pressure, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen that fit the GO-SHIP international quality requirements. In parallel, but not simultaneously, a trace-metal rosette (TMR) was cast 53 times, also acquiring profiles of physical variables, and equipped with 24 Go-Flo bottles adapted for the sampling of trace metals. Depending on the number of operations, stations were identified as “Short” (one single CTD cast), “Large” (3 CTD casts), “XLarge” (up to 6) and “Super” (up to 11). All along the track of the ship, current magnitude and direction was measured by Ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, down to 1000m depth. This dataset reports for the water mass proportions (from 0 to 1, i.e., from 0 to 100%) for the classical rosette for the following water masses: East North Atlantic Central Water of 16ºC (ENACW16) and of 12 ºC (ENACW12); Subpolar Mode Water of 8ºC (SPMW8), of 7ºC (SPMW7) and of the Irminger Sea (IrSPMW); Labrador Sea Water (LSW); Subarctic Intermediate Water of 6ºC (SAIW6) and of 4ºC (SAIW4); Mediterranean Water (MW); Iceland–Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW); Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW); Polar Intermediate Water (PIW); and North-East Atlantic Deep Water lower (NEADWL). The dataset also contains the changes in oxygen due to the remineralisation of organic matter (DO2bio; in µmol kg-1).