
Optical properties

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  • The RESILIENCE experiment took place in April and May 2022 on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Southwestern Indian Ocean, South of the Mozambique Chanel and offshore of Durban (South Africa). The main scientific objective was to study the interaction at fine scale (about 10km) between physics and biology. To do so CTD stations were performed accompanied by MVP profiles, measuring temperature, conductivity (hence salinity) and fluorescence. The MVP is performing profiles downward in a free-fall mode and upward, towed by a cable. This instrument is subject to many errors. Here we have first corrected the sensors offset between the CTD and MVP. Second, we have also corrected the thermistor viscous heating and the thermal lag between the thermistor and the conductivity cell. Third, we have corrected the thermal mass error on the lowering profiles. Only temperature and conductivity/salinity measurements are corrected. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • The measurements of Secchi depth were done within Estonia-Latvia transboundary project "Towards joint management of the transboundary Gauja/Koiva river basin district" for harmonization of water quality classification system for transboundary water bodies in the Gauja/Koiva river basin district and adjacent areas (in Estonia) in the Gulf of Riga." The measurements were done once in August 2012 along with underwater video observation, SPM, TN, TC, Chlorophyll a and CTD measurements in coastal waters in shallow part (2 - 12m) of the East coast of the Gulf of Riga. Data were used for Final report on assessment of the quality status of the transboundary water bodies (coastal, lakes, rivers) in Gauja/Koiva river basin district (2013. Kalvane I. and Veidemane K. (eds.))

  • The measurements of SPM, particulate TN, TC, Fe, Mn, Al and chlorophyll a, as well as light absorption at 750 nm and 380 nm were done within Estonia-Latvia transboundary project "Towards joint management of the transboundary Gauja/Koiva river basin district" for harmonization of water quality classification system for transboundary water bodies in the Gauja/Koiva river basin district and adjacent areas (in Estonia) in the Gulf of Riga." Measurements were done once in August 2012 along with underwater video observation, water transparency and CTD measurements in coastal waters in shallow part (2 - 12m) of the East coast of the Gulf of Riga. Data were used for Final report on assessment of the quality status of the transboundary water bodies (coastal, lakes, rivers) in Gauja/Koiva river basin district (2013. Kalvane I. and Veidemane K. (eds.))

  • This dataset contains turbidity (NTU) data acquired between August 2018 and June 2019 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R) installed horizontally at 1.5 m height at the top of the SeaMoN East frame. The sensor was not calibrated as the sizes of the natural particles are unknown. Data was acquired every 15 minutes. The instrument is part of the SeaMoN East ecological monitoring node deployed at ca 10m away from the active hydrothermal edifice Tour Eiffel. Deployment : 2018/08/23 -Victor 6000 Dive 707-12 (Momarsat 2018 cruise Recovery : 2019/06/15 - Nautile dive 1942-04 (Momarsat 2019 cruise ([]) Location : 37.8N, 36.77S, -31.64E, -32.91W   Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • This dataset contains turbidity (NTU) data acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using a Wetlabs turbidimeter (ECO-BBRTD, serial # 215R) installed horizontally at 1.5 m height at the top of the SeaMoN East frame. The sensor was not calibrated as the sizes of the natural particles are unknown. Data was acquired every 15 minutes. The instrument is part of the SeaMoN East ecological monitoring node. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Two quality controlled datasets here archived were collected during the oceanographic cruise MEIO that held in October-November 2022 over the South Western Indian Ocean, onboard S.A. Agulhas II. The first dataset is composed of continuous vertical profiles of the 12 oceanographic stations. The profiles have a resolution of 1dbar. The parameters reported in this data set are: pressure (in dbar), in-situ temperature (in °C), practical salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration (in µmol/kg), fluorescence of calibrated chlorophyll-a fluorescence (in µg/L), nitrate concentration (in µmol/kg) and particle attenuation @660nm (in 1/m). The second dataset is composed of discrete samples collected during the 12 stations. The parameters are the sensors measurements of every samples, dissolved oxygen concentration measured by the Winkler method (in µmol/kg), practical salinity measured by Autosal, concentration of silicate (in µmol/kg), concentration of phosphate (in µmol/kg) , concentration of nitrite (in µmol/kg), concentration of nitrate (in µmol/kg), concentration of pigments (processed by HPLC). These datasets aim to contribute to the extension of the One-Argo programme in the southwestern area of the Indian Ocean through the deployment of a significant number of floats; and to collect reference measurements through a multi-instrumented CTD rosette, allowing in particular to calibrate the robots’ sensors, just before their deployment. The two datasets were collected in concomitancy with the deployment of 29 One-Argo floats (WMO numbers : 5906536, 6903149, 4902620, 6903088, 6903148, 6990505, 5906970, 7901013, 4902626, 6903150, 5906972, 6903031, 5906540, 5906969, 4902623, 6990503, 3902471, 5906539, 6990504, 1902572, 5906537, 4902628, 7901003, 3902472, 6903033, 5906538, 1902573, 6903084, 5906971). Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • CTD casts collected in East Arm and Bonne Bay during August 3-4 to measure the density stratification with depth. Cast depths range from 50 to 200 m.    Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • The SCENES monitoring station is part of the SNO COAST-HF national network (ILICO-RI), and the regional PHRESQUES observation network. The station includes i) a surface buoy equipped with a CTD and an optical turbidity and fluorescence sensor measuring approximately 1.5m below surface and ii) a benthic station equipped with an optical turbidity sensor and an up-looking ADCP (before Oct. 2017 – optical sensor ~ 1.4m above the bed, after Oct. 2017 : 0.5m above the bed). Due to technical problems, the time series, for all sensors, is discontinuous. Optical turbidity measurements can be transformed in suspended particulate matter concentration (SPMC, in g/l) using a calibration relationship built from the PHRESQUES field campaigns (SPMC=0.00156*NTU+0.001). The acoustic backscatter signal was processed to retrieve SPMC values using optical turbidity sensors and observations from the PHRESQUES Field campaigns.  This dataset allows to investigate hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics from the tidal scale to the seasonal and interannual scale from water level, current velocity, salinity, temperature and SPM concentration measurements. Please refer to associated publications. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Data related to the article: Shelf Water Export at the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence Evidenced From Combined In-situ and Satellite Observations. By Gaston Manta, Sabrina Speich, Marcelo Barreiro, Romina Trinchin, Camila de Mello, Remi Laxenaire and Alberto R. Piola. Oceanographic dataset of CTD, TSG, and ADCP campaign in Uruguay during April-May 2016 (see the paper). contains the 82 CTD profiles There are matrices of 4219 * 82. 4219 is the maximum pressure reached by a station. The rest is filled with NaNs. TSG_Manta_etal_2022.csv is the TSG data with a 10 minute centered moving average and a coarse calibration of the fluorometer (see the paper). are u and v velocities from the hull-mounted ADCP, matrices of depth (50)x time(18500) processed with cascade and tide corrected. Water_samples_Manta_etal_2022.csv Contains nutrients and chlorophyll-a at 5m depth. (Time is always in MatLab datenum format and in year-month-day-hour-minute-second) You can find more details about the data in the paper and also here Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • This dataset contains the CTD data collected during the GOMBESSA 6 cruise, from 1 to 12 July 2021, in Corsica, western Mediterranean, jointly by the (MARBEC MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation)-[] (France) teams. The full-depth CTD profiles were performed using an autonomous SeaBird SBE 19plus V2 SeaCAT Profiler CTD, from the Pionnier vessel belonging to (Seaowl)-[] France and chartered by the French Navy. Nine stations, from the depth of 115 m to the surface, were sampled off the Corsica coasts (western Mediterranean basin) between latitude 43.11-43.74 °N and longitude 9.49-9.52 °E. The acquisition rate was 4 Hz. The accuracy, specified by the manufacturer, were ± 0.005 °C for temperature and ± 0.0005 S/m for conductivity. The dataset is provided in different formats (CSV, NetCDF, Ocean Data View collection), which contains, for each station the following parameters: Depth [salt_water,m] Temperature [ITS-90,deg-C] pH Salinity, Practical [PSU] Conductivity [S/m] Density [kg/m^3] Oxygen [mL/L] Oxygen_sat [% saturation] Oxygen_umoll [umol/L] Turbidity [NTU] Fluorescence [mg/m^3] Light [PAR/Irradiance] QC (reference: OceanSITES quality flags Julian Days and UTC time (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss) The ZIP archives contain 1/ a map of stations 2/ the list of the ID stations, geographic coordinates and general metadata 3/ all raw data acquired, for all parameters, in CNV format, 4/ the downcasts and upcasts in CSV format, 5/ the upcasts only in ODV, 6/ NetCDF and 7/ TXT formats, and 8/ two vertical profile graphs including all stations (sea water temperature and oxygen). All data acquired are publicly accessible without any restriction (under CC-BY licence). The extracted data are accessible from this GOMBESSA 6 landing page with a downloadable ZIP file. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.