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  • The ReZoEnv field campaign was conducted at 9 sites distributed within contrasted seagrass (Zostera notlei) meadows in the Arcachon Bay. This multi-parameter survey was conducted during one year (November 2015 – November 2016). Water levels, temperature and light were recorded every 10 minutes. While bed sediment characteristics (granulometry, water content, organic matter content), seagrass characteristics (coverage, biometry, chlorophyll and CNP content) were measured monthly. Additionally, wind-wave parameters were obtained from high frequency pressure sensor at 4 sites, every 20 minutes. List of sites : ANDE : 44.745091 N, 1.121366 O FONT : 44.722631 N, 1.080133 O GAIL : 44.662573 N, 1.099575 O GARR : 44.705132 N, 1.121562 O HAUT : 44.729331 N, 1.15608 O ILE : 44.683117 N, 1.162716 O JACQ : 44.724563 N, 1.181109 O PASS : 44.689927 N, 1.089491 O ROCH : 44.648529 N, 1.127736 O Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.

  • Part of Deliverable 6.1 of GENIALG Project. Datasets used for parametrisation of models and evaluation of seaweed farm environmental footprint. Sediment samples collected using van veen grabs and analysed for granulometry and organic matter content. Locations and dates indicated on dataset. Records obtained at Ventry Harbour test farm between September 2017 and April 2019 during GENIALG project (project ID: 727892, GENIALG - GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative Macro-ALGal biorefinery, GENIALG was funded by the European Union Horizon2020 programme. The remit of the work was assessing the environmental footprint and ecosystem services provided by seaweed aquaculture in Europe to provide best practice advice to industry.

  • Contents and composition of microplastic-like particles have been analysed in ten sediment samples from the Danish part of the open North Sea and in the Inner Danish waters in 2015. The contents of microplastic-like particles in the size range 100-5000 µm were determined to be in the range of 192-3511 particles per kg dry weight sediment, dominated by blue and black coloured particles, mainly as fibres, and particle sizes < 300 µm were dominating.

  • This dataset includes the data used in in the HELCOM/OSPAR Ballast Water Exemptions Decision Support Tool. This tool was developed in 2013 based on the overall IMO framework, the 21 Baltic and North-East Atlantic coastal states and the EU. It allows user to define “low risk” routes, as well as other necessary steps in granting exemptions under regulation A-4 of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC). The data were collected in various European ports and includes not only biodiversity data but also hydrographic, sediment and meteorological measurements in the sampling sites.

  • Fugro GeoConsulting Limited (Fugro) was requested by Centrica Energy Renewable Investments Limited (CERI) to perform a geotechnical investigation at the South-East Development Area of the proposed Irish Sea Wind Farm to provide sufficient data to enable the zone-wide characterisation of the soil and rock conditions for combination with the regional geophysical data to inform the technical and commercial planning process. The work was performed from the MV Normand Mermaid from 4 April 2012 to 29 September 2012, in accordance with the instructions received from CERI. Two drilling methods were mobilised for the work: the standard downhole American Petroleum Institute (API) drilling spread and a Geobor S piggyback coring spread. The fieldwork consisted of 43 boreholes: 19 boreholes utilising the API drilling spread to characterise engineering soil and prove depth to bedrock, and 24 boreholes using the API drilling spread with follow-on Geobor S boreholes to characterise engineering soil and bedrock to a target depth of 55 m. Downhole geophysical wireline logging was performed at each of the follow-on Geobor-S boreholes in order to enhance characterisation of the site. The datasets included within this package are 1.AGS data (.ags) 2.Wireline Digital Data (.las, .xls) 3. Images(.pdf, jpg) These datasets relate to the Centrica report document No: SE-D-EN-127-0117-501003-005.

  • The multibeam bathymetry was obtained using a multibeam Simrad EM-12 S120 swath bathymetry echosounder, with full coverage of the study area. This system transmitted 81 acoustic beams to the seafloor with a total beam angle of 90º, covering a sector of the seafloor whose width equals twice the water depth.

  • At the request of Centrica Energy Renewable Investments Limited (CERIL), Fugro Geoconsulting Limited acted as the main contractor for a geotechnical site investigation at the Irish Sea Round 3 Wind Farm (Zone 9) site. The fieldwork was performed using the Fugro Saltire from 05 March to 24 March 2011. A total of nine boreholes were performed at the Irish Sea Round 3 Wind Farm (Zone 9) site. Four locations were investigated comprising a continuous in-situ testing and sampling program. The purpose of the investigation was to provide soils information and to assess the ground conditions. This data will assist in design of met masts for the proposed wind farm. This dataset includes borehole geotechnical log information and the cone penetration test (CPT) data for all of the CPT sites during the geotechnical survey together with supporting documentation. Video data was also collected but is not included in this dataset.

  • This study is a first attempt in Denmark on assessing the presence of microplastics in our open & coastal waters from Baltic to North Sea. The occurrence and impact of microplastics have in the Danish initial assessment for EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) been identified as a relevant indicator for describing “Good Environmental Status” (GES) for descriptor 10 on Marine Litter. Microplastic particles in marine waters, which consist of synthetic polymer materials, origin mainly from secondary microplastics, i.e. fragments of litter like solid waste, fishing gear, paint flakes etc. from either sea- or land based sources. Primary microplastics (engineered) are not expected to be as common as secondary microplastics. Microplastics can origin from both local sources and from long-range transport with ocean or air currents.