Sea Level
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Update frequencies
Global Sea Level Anomalies - this product uses the PSMSL relative sea level trends. It shows annual variation compared to a long term trend (at least 30 years of recordings). Use "viewparams" parameter to specify: (1) syear (start year) from 1900 to 2015 (2) eyear (end year) from 1900 to 2015 (3) ayear (anomaly year) from 1900 to 2015 --- Note1: syear < eyear, syear <= ayear <= eyear --- Note2: eyear - syear >=30 -- Example: viewparams=syear:1900;eyear:2015;ayear:1900
In Situ Relative Sea Level Trends. Trend is presented by means of false color arrows. This product (developed for EMODnet Physics) uses the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) data bank on sea level data from the global network of tide gauges since 1900. The trend is available for stations with at least 30 years of measurements.
In Situ Absolute Sea Level Trends. Trend is presented by means of false color arrows. This product (developed for EMODnet Physics) uses the SONEL data bank on sea level data from the global network of tide gauges + GNSS. The product is developed and maintained by SONEL.
near real time Sea level data from in situ stations (tide gauges). This product includes the European tide gauges organized under EuroGOOS TG TT and CMS INSTAC, IOC sea level core network, GLOSS stations, UHSLC Fast Delivery network, JRC TAD network. The EMODnet Physics product offers the latest 60 days of operational data (60m time res)
Monthly maps of Absolute Sea Level data [1993-2020]. The product is based on deseasonalized DUACS product, developed by CMCC for EMODnet Physics.
Absolute Sea Level trend Map [1993-2019]. The product is based on GLORYS12v1, developed by CMCC for EMODnet Physics.
Absolute Sea Level trend Map [1993-2020]. The product is based on DUACS, developed by CMCC for EMODnet Physics.