beam trawls
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The main purpose of this sampling was to study the effects of the OWEZ windpark on the demersal fish community. Because before installation of the windfarm the main fisheries activity in the area was bottom trawling, it is expected that exclusion of fisheries in the wind farm has the largest effect on the demersal fish community. The wind farm and its safety zone could function as a refugium for these species. If the area functions as a refugium this could be the case for a large number of demersal fish species that occur in the Dutch coastal zone. Owing to this a positive effect of the wind farm on the demersal fish community was expected. The fisheries that occurred in the area targeted larger fish, therefore fisheries mortality was higher on the larger fish. By excluding fisheries in the farm it was expected to change the size distribution in the farm and by that the age distribution of the fish populations. A Hydrolab minisonde, attached to the net, was used for continuous CTD measurements.
OWEZ (Offshore Windpark Egmond aan Zee), sampling locations and sample data from fish surveys (mainly trawls). The sampling programme for T1 and T2 is identical to the baseline (T0) programme but differs from the earlier proposed program in three aspects: 1. We did not collect age data from fish as we can easily estimate ages from the measured length, frequency by Age, Length keys. 2. Stomach content data was collected as it is important to describe the relationship between benthic fauna and fish well. 3. The cables that connect the turbines in the OWEZ are orientated perpendicular to the coastline. During the baseline, all sampling transects were taken parallel to the coastline. In order to avoid damage to the cables in the OWEZ and to be consistent in reference areas, during T1 and T2 all transects will be carried out parallel to the cables and thereby perpendicular to the coast