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Pressure, temperature, conductivity, and derived salinity data with their associated quality flags from the Vigo section of the monitoring program "Oceanography Time Series in Northern Spain" (RADIALES;, carried out by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Data were collected biweekly to monthly from August 1987 to September 2020 in the interior of the Ría de Vigo and its adjacent shelf, at four stations with depths ranging from 29 m to 148 m. Data were acquired using MARK III, Sea-Bird Scientific 19 SeaCAT, SBE 9 Plus and SBE 25 Sealogger CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) profilers. They were processed using Sea-Bird Scientific's Seasoft software package, and subsequently, quality controlled with both ctdcheck ( and Ocean Data View software. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
The dataset contains the results of the monitoring activity in distinct years in Slovenian coastal waters related to contaminants in Sea water, sediments and biota.
Sea level change information from tide gauges and bottom pressure recorders at Poti Sea Port. Permanent observation on sea level with: date and time, wave height (max, min and average), sea level (max, min and average), water temperature C, air temperature C, Pressure mb.
The survey was conducted at 26 stations in the coastal waters of the Maltese Islands over a period of one year between May 2012 and July 2013. Sea water samples were collected at 5 metres using a Niskin bottle. Nitrites, nitrates and Total Nitrogen were calculated on site using a probe and photometer, since these have a short holding time. They were then verified in the laboratory, where the other parameters were also measured, using the following methods: UNI EN ISO 10304-1:2009 (for Nitrites. Nitrates and Phosphates), APAT CNR IRSA 4060 Man 29 2003 (for Total Nitrogen), APAT CNR IRSA 4030B Man 29 2003 (for Ammonium Ions) and EPA 2007 1994 (for Total Phosphorous as P).
The survey was conducted at 26 stations in the coastal waters of the Maltese Islands. Physicochemical parameters were measured at monthly intervals over the period between 30th May 2012 and 24th July 2013. Measurements were made only at a depth of 5m from the surface. All parameters were measured using a multi-parametric probe. The multiparametric probe used was the YSI 6820 V2-1, equipped with a data display and logging system YSI 650 MDS. This probe has one optical port, conductivity/temperature port, Rapid Pulse DO port, pH/ORP port, and 3 ISE ports.
Ferry box data