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    Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters) at 1: 1 000 000 scale (1M). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from the 1M data from Partners and generalized 1:250k EMODnet data. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate map was produced October 2016. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities. Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters) at 1: 1 000 000 scale (1M). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from the 1M data from Partners and generalized 1:250k EMODnet data. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate map was produced October 2016. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities. Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters) at 1: 1 000 000 scale (1M). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from the 1M data from Partners and generalized 1:250k EMODnet data. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate map was produced October 2016. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities. Seabed substrate map of the European sea areas (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, the White Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters) at 1: 1 000 000 scale (1M). The map is collated and harmonized from seabed substrate information within the EMODnet-Geology project. The map is collated from the 1M data from Partners and generalized 1:250k EMODnet data. Where necessary, the existing substrate classifications (of individual maps) have been translated to a scheme that is supported by EUNIS. This EMODnet reclassification scheme consists of altogether five seabed substrate classes. Four substrate classes are defined on the basis of the modified Folk triangle (mud to sandy mud; sand; coarse sediment; and mixed sediment) and one additional substrate class (rock and boulders) was included by the project team. If the original seabed substrate dataset has enabled more detailed substrate classification, classifications with 7 and 16 substrate classes might be available. The seabed substrate map was produced October 2016. Note: The data may include some errors e.g. overlays, topological gaps and data discontinuities.