Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar- and Marine Research
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Dataof QUEEN in PANGAEA comprise results from analysis of marine sediments, ice cores, profiles through periglacial deposits and lacustrine sediments as well as modelled and reconstruced environmental data.
Pangaea is a digital library for data from earth system research. Data sets include a metadata description with a bibliographic citation, persistently identified using a DOI. The system is open to any project or individual scientist for data archiving and publishing. The system is hosted by AWI and MARUM.
This dataset contains data from the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Project at AWI. These data are derived from PANGAEA.
This dataset contains data from paleoenvironmental reconstructions from marine sediments from the AWI. These data are derived from PANGAEA.
This dataset contains data from marine animal ecology from the AWI. These data are derived from PANGAEA.
Phytoplankton en microzooplankton measurements during a European iron fertilization experiment.
Large protozoa and phytoplankton abundance measured on concentrated water bottle samples.
Data are part of an ongoing long-term monitoring project performed by the Biological Station on Helgoland, Germany. Since 1962, phytoplankton, chemical and physical samples have been collected on a daily basis (five days a week).
This dataset contains macrozoobenthos data from the southeastern North Sea from 2000.
Three ecologically different areas along the Snaefellsnes peninsula southwestern Iceland) were investigated. The main algal associations and zonation patterns were described, as well as the gradients in low-salinity areas.