CEA, Climate and Environmental Sciences Laboratory
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Water body dissolved oxygen concentration - Monthly Climatology for the European Seas for the period 1960-2020 on the domain from longitude -45.0 to 70.0 degrees East and latitude 24.0 to 83.0 degrees North. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODnet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.9, using GEBCO 30sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. Horizontal correlation length and vertical correlation length vary spatially depending on the topography and domain. Depth range: 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0, 125.0, 150.0, 175.0, 200.0, 225.0, 250.0, 275.0, 300.0, 325.0, 350.0, 375.0, 400.0, 425.0, 450.0, 475.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0, 1050.0, 1100.0, 1150.0, 1200.0, 1250.0, 1300.0, 1350.0, 1400.0, 1450.0, 1500.0, 1550.0, 1600.0, 1650.0, 1700.0, 1750.0, 1800.0, 1850.0, 1900.0, 1950.0, 2000.0, 2100.0, 2200.0, 2300.0, 2400.0, 2500.0, 2600.0, 2700.0, 2800.0, 2900.0, 3000.0, 3100.0, 3200.0, 3300.0, 3400.0, 3500.0, 3600.0, 3700.0, 3800.0, 3900.0, 4000.0, 4100.0, 4200.0, 4300.0, 4400.0, 4500.0, 4600.0, 4700.0, 4800.0, 4900.0, 5000.0, 5100.0, 5200.0, 5300.0, 5400.0, 5500.0 m. Units: umol/l. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd analysis is 0.25 degrees.
Water body chlorophyll-a - Monthly Climatology for the European Seas for the period 1960-2020 on the domain from longitude -45.0 to 70.0 degrees East and latitude 24.0 to 83.0 degrees North. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODnet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.9, using GEBCO 30sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. Horizontal correlation length and vertical correlation length vary spatially depending on the topography and domain. Depth range: 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0, 125.0, 150.0, 175.0, 200.0, 225.0, 250.0, 275.0, 300.0, 325.0, 350.0, 375.0, 400.0, 425.0, 450.0, 475.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0, 1050.0, 1100.0, 1150.0, 1200.0, 1250.0, 1300.0, 1350.0, 1400.0, 1450.0, 1500.0, 1550.0, 1600.0, 1650.0, 1700.0, 1750.0, 1800.0, 1850.0, 1900.0, 1950.0, 2000.0, 2100.0, 2200.0, 2300.0, 2400.0, 2500.0, 2600.0, 2700.0, 2800.0, 2900.0, 3000.0, 3100.0, 3200.0, 3300.0, 3400.0, 3500.0, 3600.0, 3700.0, 3800.0, 3900.0, 4000.0, 4100.0, 4200.0, 4300.0, 4400.0, 4500.0, 4600.0, 4700.0, 4800.0, 4900.0, 5000.0, 5100.0, 5200.0, 5300.0, 5400.0, 5500.0 m. Units: mg/m3. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd analysis is 0.25 degrees.
Moving 6-year analysis of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration in the NorthEast Atlantic for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn: October-December. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to the 6-year centred average of each season. 6-year periods span from 1950/1955 until 2016/2021. Observation data span from 1950 to 2021. Depth levels (IODE standard depths): [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0, 125.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 400.0, 500.0, 600.0, 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 1000.0, 1100.0, 1200.0, 1300.0, 1400.0, 1500.0, 1750.0, 2000.0, 2500.0, 3000.0]. Data sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODNet Chemistry Data Network. Descrption of DIVAnd analysis: the computation was done with DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.4, using GEBCO 30 sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd maps is 0.1 degrees. Horizontal correlation length varies from 400km in open sea regions to 50km at the coast. Vertical correlation length is defined as twice the vertical resolution. Signal-to-noise ratio was fixed to 1 for vertical profiles and 0.1 for time series to account for the redundancy in the time series observations.A logarithmic transformation (DIVAnd.Anam.loglin) was applied to the data prior to the analysis to avoid unrealistic negative values. Background field: a vertically-filtered profile of the seasonal data mean value (including all years) is substracted from the data. Detrending of data: no, advection constraint applied: no. Units: umol/l.
Moving 6-year analysis and visualization of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration in the North Sea. Four seasons (December-February, March-May, June-August, September-November). Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODnet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: Geostatistical data analysis by DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) tool, version 2.7.9. results were subjected to the minfield option in DIVAnd to avoid negative/underestimated values in the interpolated results; error threshold masks L1 (0.3) and L2 (0.5) are included as well as the unmasked field. The depth dimension allows visualizing the gridded field at various depths.
Estuarine regions are generally considered a major source of atmospheric CO2 as a result of the high organic carbon (OC) mineralization rates in their water column and sediments. Yet, the intensity of anaerobic respiration processes in the sediments tempered by the reoxidation of reduced metabolites near the sediment-water interface controls the flux of benthic alkalinity. This alkalinity may partially buffer metabolic CO2 generated by benthic OC respiration in sediments. Thus sediments with high anaerobic respiration rates could contribute less to local acidification than previously thought. In this study, a benthic chamber was deployed in the Rhône River prodelta and the adjacent continental shelf (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean) in late summer to assess the fluxes of total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the sediment. Concurrently, in situ O2 and pH microprofiles, voltammetric profiles and pore water composition were measured in surface sediments to identify the main biogeochemical processes controlling the net production of alkalinity in these sediments. Benthic TA and DIC fluxes to the water column, ranging between 14 and 74 mmol m-2 d-1 and 18 and 78 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively, were up to 8 times higher than DOU rates (10.4 ± 0.9 mmol m-2 d-1) close to the river mouth, but their intensity decreased offshore, as a result of the decline in OC inputs. In the zone close to the river mouth, pore water redox species indicated that TA and DIC were mainly produced by microbial sulfate and iron reduction. Despite the complete removal of sulfate from pore waters, dissolved sulfide concentrations were low and significant concentration of FeS were found indicating the precipitation and burial of iron sulfide minerals with an estimated burial flux of 12.5 mmol m-2 d-1 near the river mouth. By preventing reduced iron and sulfide reoxidation, the precipitation and burial of iron sulfide increases the alkalinity release from the sediments during the spring and summer months. Under these conditions, the sediment provides a net source of alkalinity to the bottom waters which mitigates the effect of the benthic DIC flux on the carbonate chemistry of coastal waters and weakens the partial pressure of CO2 increase in the bottom waters that would occur if DIC was produced only. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Moving 6-year analysis of Water body chlorophyll-a in the Mediterranean Sea for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn: October-December. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to the 6-year centered average of the season. 6-years periods span from 1990-1995 until 2016-2021. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODNet Chemistry Data Network. Units: mg/m3. Description of DIVA analysis: The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.9, using GEBCO 30sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd maps grids is dx=dy=0.125 degrees (around 13.5km and 10.9km accordingly). The vertical resolution is 20 depth levels: [0.,5.,10.,20.,30.,50.,75.,100.,125.,150.,200.,250.,300.,400.,500.,600.,700.,800.,900.,1000.]. The horizontal correlation length is 200km. The vertical correlation length (in meters) was set twices the vertical resolution: [10.,10.,20.,20.,40.,50.,50.,50.,50.,100.,100.,100.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.]. Duplicates check was performed using the following criteria for space and time: dlon=0.001deg., dlat=0.001deg., ddepth=1m, dtime=1hour, dvalue=0.1. The error variance (epsilon2) was set equal to 1 for profiles and 10 for time series to reduce the influence of close data near the coasts. An anamorphosis transformation was applied to the data (function DIVAnd.Anam.loglin) to avoid unrealistic negative values: threshold value=200. A background analysis field was used for all years (1990-2021) with correlation length equal to 600km and error variance (epsilon2) equal to 20. Quality control of the observations was applied using the interpolated field (QCMETHOD=3). Residuals (differences between the observations and the analysis (interpolated linearly to the location of the observations) were calculated. Observations with residuals outside the minimum and maximum values of the 99% quantile were discarded from the analysis. Originators of Italian data sets-List of contributors: - Brunetti Fabio (OGS) - Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel doi:10.6092/36728450-4296-4e6a-967d-d5b6da55f306 - Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel, Ursella Laura, Siena Giuseppe doi:10.6092/f8e6d18e-f877-4aa5-a983-a03b06ccb987 - Cataletto Bruno (OGS) - Cinzia Comici Cinzia (OGS) - Civitarese Giuseppe (OGS) - DeVittor Cinzia (OGS) - Giani Michele (OGS) - Kovacevic Vedrana (OGS) - Mosetti Renzo (OGS) - Solidoro C.,Beran A.,Cataletto B.,Celussi M.,Cibic T.,Comici C.,Del Negro P.,De Vittor C.,Minocci M.,Monti M.,Fabbro C.,Falconi C.,Franzo A.,Libralato S.,Lipizer M.,Negussanti J.S.,Russel H.,Valli G., doi:10.6092/e5518899-b914-43b0-8139-023718aa63f5 - Celio Massimo (ARPA FVG) - Malaguti Antonella (ENEA) - Fonda Umani Serena (UNITS) - Bignami Francesco (ISAC/CNR) - Boldrini Alfredo (ISMAR/CNR) - Marini Mauro (ISMAR/CNR) - Miserocchi Stefano (ISMAR/CNR) - Zaccone Renata (IAMC/CNR) - Lavezza, R., Dubroca, L. F. C., Ludicone, D., Kress, N., Herut, B., Civitarese, G., Cruzado, A., Lefèvre, D.,Souvermezoglou, E., Yilmaz, A., Tugrul, S., and Ribera d'Alcala, M.: Compilation of quality controlled nutrient profiles from the Mediterranean Sea, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.771907, 2011.
Moving 6-year analysis of Water body dissolved oxygen concentration in the Mediterranean Sea for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn: October-December. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to the 6-year centered average of the season. 6-years periods span from 1971-1976 until 2017-2022. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODNet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.9, using GEBCO 30sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd maps grids is dx=dy=0.125 degrees (around 13.5km and 10.9km accordingly). The vertical resolution is 27 depth levels: [0.,5.,10.,20.,30.,50.,75.,100.,125.,150.,200.,250.,300.,400.,500.,600.,700.,800.,900.,1000.,1100.,1200.,1300.,1400.,1500.,1750.,2000.]. The horizontal correlation length is 200km. The vertical correlation length (in meters) was set twices the vertical resolution: [10.,10.,20.,20.,40.,50.,50.,50.,50.,100.,100.,100.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,200.,500.,500.,500.]. Duplicates check was performed using the following criteria for space and time: dlon=0.001deg., dlat=0.001deg., ddepth=1m, dtime=1hour, dvalue=0.1. The error variance (epsilon2) was set equal to 1 for profiles and 10 for time series to reduce the influence of close data near the coasts. An anamorphosis transformation was applied to the data (function DIVAnd.Anam.loglin) to avoid unrealistic negative values: threshold value=200. A background analysis field was used for all years (1971-2022) with correlation length equal to 600km and error variance (epsilon2) equal to 20. Quality control of the observations was applied using the interpolated field (QCMETHOD=3). Residuals (differences between the observations and the analysis (interpolated linearly to the location of the observations) were calculated. Observations with residuals outside the minimum and maximum values of the 99% quantile were discarded from the analysis. Originators of Italian data sets-List of contributors: - Brunetti Fabio (OGS) - Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel doi:10.6092/36728450-4296-4e6a-967d-d5b6da55f306 - Cardin Vanessa, Bensi Manuel, Ursella Laura, Siena Giuseppe doi:10.6092/f8e6d18e-f877-4aa5-a983-a03b06ccb987 - Cataletto Bruno (OGS) - Cinzia Comici Cinzia (OGS) - Civitarese Giuseppe (OGS) - DeVittor Cinzia (OGS) - Giani Michele (OGS) - Kovacevic Vedrana (OGS) - Mosetti Renzo (OGS) - Solidoro C.,Beran A.,Cataletto B.,Celussi M.,Cibic T.,Comici C.,Del Negro P.,De Vittor C.,Minocci M.,Monti M.,Fabbro C.,Falconi C.,Franzo A.,Libralato S.,Lipizer M.,Negussanti J.S.,Russel H.,Valli G., doi:10.6092/e5518899-b914-43b0-8139-023718aa63f5 - Celio Massimo (ARPA FVG) - Malaguti Antonella (ENEA) - Fonda Umani Serena (UNITS) - Bignami Francesco (ISAC/CNR) - Boldrini Alfredo (ISMAR/CNR) - Marini Mauro (ISMAR/CNR) - Miserocchi Stefano (ISMAR/CNR) - Zaccone Renata (IAMC/CNR) - Lavezza, R., Dubroca, L. F. C., Ludicone, D., Kress, N., Herut, B., Civitarese, G., Cruzado, A., Lefèvre, D.,Souvermezoglou, E., Yilmaz, A., Tugrul, S., and Ribera d'Alcala, M.: Compilation of quality controlled nutrient profiles from the Mediterranean Sea, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.771907, 2011.
EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry datasets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, acidity and contaminants. The importance of the selected substances and other parameters relates to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on eutrophication and acidity, and covers the Greater North Sea and Celtic Seas. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by 'Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde' in Denmark. ITS-90 water temperature and water body salinity variables have also been included ('as are') to complete the eutrophication and acidity data. If you use these variables for calculations, please refer to SeaDataNet for the quality flags: https://www.seadatanet.org/Products/Aggregated-datasets. Regional datasets concerning eutrophication and acidity are automatically harvested, and the resulting collections are aggregated and quality controlled using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all sea regions ( https://doi.org/10.13120/8xm0-5m67). Parameter names are based on P35 vocabulary, which relates to EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names and is available at: https://vocab.nerc.ac.uk/search_nvs/P35/. When not present in original data, water body nitrate plus nitrite was calculated by summing all nitrate and nitrite parameters. The same procedure was applied for water body dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), which was calculated by summing all nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium parameters. Concentrations per unit mass were converted to a unit volume using a constant density of 1.25 kg/L. The aggregated dataset can also be downloaded as an ODV collection and spreadsheet, which is composed of a metadata header followed by tab separated values. This spreadsheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (more information can be found at: https://www.seadatanet.org/Software/ODV).
The ocean constitutes a minor source of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) at the global scale, but could play an important role far from continental anthropized emission zones. Here we use the NEMO-PISCES (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean, Pelagic Interaction Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies) ocean general circulation and biogeochemistry model to dynamically assess the oceanic CO budget and its emission to the atmosphere at the global scale. The main bio-chemical sources and sinks of oceanic CO are explicitly represented in the model. The main processes driving the CO concentration are photoproduction and bacterial consumption and are estimated to 19.2 and 21.9?Tg?C?yr-1 respectively with our best-guess modelling setup. There are however very large uncertainties on their respective magnitude. Despite the scarcity of the in situ CO measurements in terms of spatio-temporal coverage, the proposed best simulation is able to represent most of the data (~?300 points) within a factor of two. Overall, the global emissions of CO to the atmosphere are 3.6?Tg?C?yr-1, in the range of recent estimates, but very different from the ones published by Erickson in 1989, which were the only gridded global emission available to date. These oceanic CO emission maps are relevant for use by atmospheric chemical models, especially to study the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere above the remote ocean. Important Note: This submission has been initially submitted to SEA scieNtific Open data Edition (SEANOE) publication service and received the recorded DOI. The metadata elements have been further processed (refined) in EMODnet Ingestion Service in order to conform with the Data Submission Service specifications.
Water body chlorophyll-a - Monthly Climatology for the European Seas for the period 1960-2020 on the domain from longitude -45.0 to 70.0 degrees East and latitude 24.0 to 83.0 degrees North. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODnet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.7.2, using GEBCO 30sec topography for the spatial connectivity of water masses. Horizontal correlation length and vertical correlation length vary spatially depending on the topography and domain. Depth range: 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 65.0, 70.0, 75.0, 80.0, 85.0, 90.0, 95.0, 100.0, 125.0, 150.0, 175.0, 200.0, 225.0, 250.0, 275.0, 300.0, 325.0, 350.0, 375.0, 400.0, 425.0, 450.0, 475.0, 500.0, 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0, 900.0, 950.0, 1000.0, 1050.0, 1100.0, 1150.0, 1200.0, 1250.0, 1300.0, 1350.0, 1400.0, 1450.0, 1500.0, 1550.0, 1600.0, 1650.0, 1700.0, 1750.0, 1800.0, 1850.0, 1900.0, 1950.0, 2000.0, 2100.0, 2200.0, 2300.0, 2400.0, 2500.0, 2600.0, 2700.0, 2800.0, 2900.0, 3000.0, 3100.0, 3200.0, 3300.0, 3400.0, 3500.0, 3600.0, 3700.0, 3800.0, 3900.0, 4000.0, 4100.0, 4200.0, 4300.0, 4400.0, 4500.0, 4600.0, 4700.0, 4800.0, 4900.0, 5000.0, 5100.0, 5200.0, 5300.0, 5400.0, 5500.0 m. Units: mg/m3. The horizontal resolution of the produced DIVAnd analysis is 0.25 degrees.