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    This data product shows how to derive, summarise and visualise thermal affinities for European marine species. The aim is to derive thermal affinities for all European marine species, by matching occurrence records from OBIS to gridded temperature products. These species-level thermal affinities are then used to produce assemblage-level averages on a 0.5º grid covering European seas, separately for major functional groups (e.g. benthos, zooplankton, fish). Finally these gridded assemblage-level averages are compared to current and projected future sea temperatures to identify areas of high climate vulnerability for each functional group.

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    <p>This product builds on the EMODnet Biology data product <a href=";dasid=8216">Presence/absence data of macrozoobenthos in the European Seas</a> to derive estimates of temporal turnover in benthic communities on a spatial grid across European seas. This product only uses species-level records, and only uses sampling events where the full macrobenthic community was surveyed (i.e. where there are no 'NA' values in the presence/absence dataset for any species). Six time periods are considered, based on data availability: before 1990, 1990-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-2014, and 2015 and after. A 1 degree grid is used to obtain reasonable numbers of repeat samples per grid cell. The code below could be adapted to set different time periods and/or a different grid resolution. This readme describes the product structure, including the workflow to generate the required derived datasets and the process for turning them into gridded maps of community turnover.</p>