IO-BAS Bulgaria
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Atanasovsko Lake is a hypersaline lake which resembles a liman to the north and a lagoon to the south. A considerable part of its surface is used for salt production with preserved primitive salt production methods. It is located north of the city of Burgas, near the sea coast. The lake lies at 1 m below sea level. Small freshwater marshes, together with a system of canals overgrown with marsh vegetation, surround the lake. The fresh water from the catchment area of the lake is collected in a canal during November-April and flows into the sea. The eastern part of this canal also supplies the salt-works w ith seawater from Burgas Bay during May-October. Thus the water in the canal is fresh during the first half of the year and saline during the second half.The northern part of the lake has been a maintained reserve since 1999. The lake was declared a wetland of international significance under the Ramsar Convention in 1984, and the Ramsar site was enlarged in 2003. In 2007, this area was included in the Natura 2000 network under the name of Protected site Atanasovsko ezero in accordance with the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive with a code BG000270 and a territory of 7 208,89 ha.The site is representative as the rarest ecosystem type for Bulgaria (coastal halophytic communities). The priority habitat 1150 * Coastal lagoons covers 20.6 % (1 483,2 ha) of the entire protected area (7 200 ha). This is the largest compact area occupied by this habitat in Bulgaria, highly valuable for its relative area, its representativeness and its importance for nature conservation.The following marine habitats according to Annex I to Directive 92/43EEC have been established: 1150 - Coastal lagoons,1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays, 1310 - Salicornia and other annuals colonizing mud and sand, 1410 - Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi), 1530 - Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes, 2110 - Embryonic shifting dunes
The map provides broad benthic habitats in the Bulgarian Black Sea taken from an assessment of the physical disturbance on the seabed by mobile bottom-contacting gears and links the pressure intensity to benthic habitats status in the in the Bulgarian Black Sea shelf in 2013-2017.Vessel Monitoring System dataprovided by Executive Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture were analysed to reconstruct the trawling lines from fishing gear towed on/near the bottom. The physical disturbance intensity was estimated using the swept area ratio (SAR) calculated from reconstructed trawling lines, in grids with cell sizes 0.5x0.5 km. Based on "good" and "not good" status of seabed biota, mean SAR was categorised in two corresponding classes of "low" and "high" pressure intensity as the low/high pressure threshold at mean SAR >0.2. EUSeaMap 2021 (Vasquez et al, 2021) was used to evaluate the extent and proportion of MSFD benthic broad habitat types under physical disturbance from fisheries.The results wre included in Second MSFD assessment Report of Bulgaria
This is the map of rocky reefs covered by algae. This is the result of MSFD report of Bulgarian Black Sea - Report analysis of the state of the marine environment (MSFD) in 2021. Agreement No. D-31-6/12.04.2021 between the Ministry of the Environment and Waters and the Institute of Oceanology - BAS, Varna for the fulfillment of obligations to carry out monitoring of the Black Sea, on the basis of art. 171, para. 2, item 3 of the Law on Waters, Dencheva, Doncheva, Chapter 2.3. Analysis and interpretation of data by descriptor 1.6 dentic habitats, d5c7 - macroalgae, 2022.In the 2021 summer season, sampling, monitoring, photo and video recording was carried out on 21 transects of the Black Sea coast, 252 destructive samples were taken and processed, more than 600 photos and videos were taken along the reefs in the relevant research area