Institute of Marine Sciences - OKEANOS
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The dataset was colected by whale watching companies in the Azores between 2009 and 2020 as a contribution to the long term monitoring of cetaceans. It contains the identification of the species observed, the geographic position of the observation, the life stages and its respective abundance and behavior, as well as related environmental variables (sea state, visibility).
<p>We developed predictive distribution models of deep-sea elasmobranchs for up to 2000 m depth in the Azores EEZ and neighboring seamounts, from approximately 33°N to 43°N and 20°W to 36°W. Georeferenced presence, absence, and abundance data were obtained from scientific surveys and commercial operations reporting at least one deep-sea elasmobranch capture. A 20-year 'survey dataset' (1996-2017) was compiled from annual scientific demersal surveys using two types of bottom longlines (types LLA and LLB), and an 'observer dataset' (2004-2018) from observer programs covering commercial fisheries operations using bottom longline (similar to type LLA) and vertical handline ('gorazeira').</p>