Marine Biological Association of the UK
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"Intertidal species, effort based search undertaken by students (16+) and volunteer groups with support from an ecologist. During the twenty minute timed species search surveyors look for 22 species, 4 non native and 18 climate change indicator species within 1 of 3 habitats rockpools; boulders, crevices and overhangs; or open rock. Abundance is recorded using a simplified version of SACFORN. "
RISC and ALERT Marine Non-Native Species (Chinese Mitten Crab, Wakame and Carpet Sea Squirt) Records
Recording Invasive Species Counts (RISC) alongside ALERT was launched in 2010 and includes on-line recording for 19 species including the Chinese Mitten Crab <i>Eriocheir sinensis</i>, Wakame <i>Undaria pinnatifida</i> and Carpet Sea Squirt <i>Didemnum vexillum</i>. The data is predominantly provided by members of the public but records are verified from photos by designated experts. No additional attribute data is included for the Carpet Sea Squirt. The recording forms for Chinese Mitten Crab and Wakame includes the option to provide abundance. Additionally for the Chinese Mitten Crab information on whether it is dead or alive is recorded and for Wakame attachment method (attached to boat, attached to other man-made surface, attach to natural surface or detached) is recorded.
Occasional sighting of marine species recorded by academics, professionals or expert amateur naturalists.
Accredited through the MEDIN partnership, and core-funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Government, DASSH provides tools and services for the long-term curation, management and publication of marine species and habitats data, within the UK and internationally.
A collection of marine biological survey data collated from literature.
Records collected voluntarily and uploaded via indicia based web recording sites including iSpot, Irecord, Marine Sightings Network and Sealife Survey. iSpot records are recorded by members of the public wishing to have identifications confirmed and records from iRecord and the MBA Recording scheme are reported sightings from a wide range of recorders.
This dataset consists of casual observations reported by members of the public.
A collection of marine life surveys collated by the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) as part of their data access program and now incoporated into the DASSH Data Archive Centre.
A collection of marine life surveys collated by the Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) as part of their data access program. The MarLIN data access program has now become DASSH (Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats).
"Volunteer marine fish records from a wide variety of sources including dive sightings, fishermen's records, anglers etc. as well as historical records collated from other sources such as museum specimens and marine faunas from 1743 - 2010. Records are from around the United Kingdom and some further reaching locations submitted to and collected by The National Marine Aquarium, Plymouth. "