Netherlands Institute of Ecology
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Length and width measurements of 800 nematodes from the Indian Ocean. Four stations were sampled, each with two replicates. The sampling depths varied from 50 to 2000 meters. The density (ind/m²) and the SCOC (mmol O2/m²/day) were calculated.
Length and widt data were collected for 4233 nematode individuals. For each genus, the feeding type was determined (when possible). Samples were taken at depths ranging from 160 m to 1220 m, in two replicates.
All nematode data from the North Sea Benthos Survey (NSBS) were compiled in a smaller dataset.
Tijdens 8 jaar werd fytoplankton verzameld op twee stations in de Oosterschelde (kom en monding) door Kees Bakker.
Overview of monthly epibenthic fauna in a marine and brackish zone along the salinity gradient of the Westerschelde in 1990. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Puturuhu, L. (1994). Density, biomass and feeding consumption of some demersal fish along salinity gradient in the Westerschelde area. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. IV, 44 pp.
Species composition, density and biomass of epifauna in the creeks of saltmarshes Waarde and Saeftinghe between February and August 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Makwaia, E.S. (1992). Utilization of saltmarshes by fishes and macrocrustaceans in the Westerschelde estuary. MSc Thesis. RUG: Gent. 49 pp.