The Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data
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This dataset consists of surveys entered by NatureScot.
This dataset consists of surveys entered by Kent Wildlife Trust.
This dataset consists of surveys entered by The Wildlife Trusts.
This dataset consists of surveys entered by Sussex Wildlife Trust.
This dataset consists of surveys entered by he archive for marine species and habitats data (DASSH).
Extract of the publicly available offshore UK marine benthic data holdings of JNCC (Joint Nature Conservation Committee), held within the “Marine Recorder” data management system. Data comprises multi-thematic benthic surveys in the offshore, including both taxa occurrence and abundance alongside physical and biotope recordings. This dataset is being used as a pilot study into submitting fully classified biotope data into OBIS alongside associated taxonomic occurrences under the EU EMODnet initiative.
Survey to establish the location and assess the extent, distribution and species composition of maerl bed habitats and quantify the abundance of associated epifauna communities in Falmouth Harbour, UK using a high definition towed underwater video system. Surveys were conducted in response to proposed dredging activities to deepen the shipping channel. The survey took place in November 2011 and transects were approximately 200 x 0.5 metres
Full community phytoplankton analysis results, expressed as cells per litre, from samples collected from the Gibraltar coastline between 2009 to 2019. The data were derived from water samples collected at a 2m depth using a Niskin sampler on an quarterly basis at four sites by HM Government of Gibraltar. Site positions are included in the dataset, and are accurate to +/- 30m.
This dataset consists of surveys entered by Natural Resources Wales(NRW).
This dataset consists of surveys entered by National Museums Northern Ireland (NMNI).