Bristol Channel
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GEMS Survey Ltd. (GEMS) was awarded a contract by Channel Energy Limited to undertake metocean data collection in the Bristol Channel as part of the Atlantic Array wind farm development project. The scope of work includes the deployment of two acoustic wave and current (AWAC) units and one Directional Waverider Buoy. Ancillary work includes water and sediment sampling and water profiling. Following non-recovery of AWAC devices, TRIAXYS Directional Wave buoys were utilised for the rest of the survey. This series contains both reports and datasets associated with the Metocean Assessment.
Two data sets are included: 1. This dataset shows the location of current Marine Aggregate Agreements issued on Crown Estate owned seabed. The five types of agreement are; Production Agreement, Option Area, Licence Option Area, Exploration and Option Area and Application and can be categorised by the Type column. Layers supplied by The Crown Estate are designed to show the locations detailed in The Crown Estate legal agreements. This means that these may include historical topological inconsistencies that will be reviewed and amended in the future as aggregate areas are subject to relicensing or expiry. 2. This dataset shows the location of current Subsurface Mine Leases and Option agreements on Crown Estate owned seabed. This dataset has 3 attributes; Name, Company and Type. Layers supplied by The Crown Estate are designed to show the legal locations detailed in The Crown Estate legal agreements. This means that these may include topological inconsistencies that will be reviewed and amended in the future.
There are four component data sets included: (1) This dataset shows the extent of live tidal agreements in UK waters. Some leases are part of Round 1 in Pentland Firth where successful bidders for this project were announced by The Crown Estate on 16 March 2010. Positional corrections of Pentland Firth sites took place on 30th July 2010. Other agreements represent areas for test and demonstration purposes including the latest round that resulted in the award of a number of demonstration zones and sites in June and July of 2014. (2) This dataset shows the extent of live wave agreements in UK waters. Some leases are part of Round 1 in Pentland Firth where successful bidders for this project were announced by The Crown Estate on 16 March 2010. Positional corrections of Pentland Firth sites took place on 30th July 2010. Other agreements represent areas for test and demonstration purposes including the latest round that resulted in the award of a number of demonstration zones and sites in June and July of 2014. Five wave sites terminated / lapsed in May 2015. (3) This dataset contains corridors of seabed that The Crown Estate has entered into an agreement upon with either a wind farm developer, an offshore transmission operator (OFTO), or a tidal site developer. There are two types of corridor within this dataset, a buffered centreline of a specified width or a bounding polygon created from a series of coordinates. The status of which is tracked in the "Defined" column. The buffered centreline corridors are 500 m wide and are exactly 250 m either side of the cable centreline (this represents the majority of The Crown Estate's cable agreements however there are a few minor exceptions to this rule). For export routes where there are a number of cables that are within 250 m of each other, the corridors are dissolved together to create one large agreement. The 500 m wide corridor consists of a 30 m wide designated area (DA) centred on the cable with the remaining area comprising of a dredging restriction zone (DRZ) (a further 235m either side of the cable). The Crown Estate still reserves rights to grant other activities within the DA (subject to the tenant's consent) and within the DRZ, however it undertakes not to grant rights for dredging in the DA or DRZ. This dataset has been clipped to exclude all of the seabed that falls within wind farm agreements areas, however overlapping rights do exist to allow the cable to be laid to the offshore substation. In some instances wind farm and tidal agreements are in place however the export cable agreements has yet to be signed. These routes may be in the public domain but have not been included in this dataset as no agreement is in place with The Crown Estate. For these sites The Crown Estate will implement cable agreements as developers bring forward proposed routes. This dataset is provided to the best of our knowledge, however we accept no liability on the accuracy of the information. (4) Wave export cables.
(1) This dataset contains corridors of seabed that The Crown Estate has entered into an agreement upon with either a wind farm developer, an offshore transmission operator (OFTO), or a tidal site developer. There are two types of corridor within this dataset, a buffered centreline of a specified width or a bounding polygon created from a series of coordinates. The status of which is tracked in the "Defined" column. The buffered centreline corridors are 500 m wide and are exactly 250 m either side of the cable centreline (this represents the majority of The Crown Estate's cable agreements however there are a few minor exceptions to this rule). For export routes where there are a number of cables that are within 250 m of each other, the corridors are dissolved together to create one large agreement. The 500 m wide corridor consists of a 30 m wide designated area (DA) centred on the cable with the remaining area comprising of a dredging restriction zone (DRZ) (a further 235m either side of the cable). The Crown Estate still reserves rights to grant other activities within the DA (subject to the tenant's consent) and within the DRZ, however it undertakes not to grant rights for dredging in the DA or DRZ. This dataset has been clipped to exclude all of the seabed that falls within wind farm agreements areas, however overlapping rights do exist to allow the cable to be laid to the offshore substation. In some instances wind farm and tidal agreements are in place however the export cable agreements has yet to be signed. These routes may be in the public domain but have not been included in this dataset as no agreement is in place with The Crown Estate. For these sites The Crown Estate will implement cable agreements as developers bring forward proposed routes. This dataset is provided to the best of our knowledge, however we accept no liability on the accuracy of the information. (2) These data represent all offshore wind farms in pre-planning, planning, construction and operational phases in United Kingdom waters. Leasing rounds 1, 2 and 3 are included along with round 1 and 2 extensions, scottish exclusivity award applications, Demonstration wind farms and the Northern Ireland Offshore Wind Resource Area. The boundaries are a true reflection of what has been signed in the Agreements for Lease, and Lease documents.