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Meiofauna monitoring in the Trieste harbour, Northern Adriatic Sea (Port Authority), 2013 and 2015. In June 2013 and March 2015, sampling was carried out in the harbour of the Trieste port by a KC Haps bottom corer with polycarbonate sample tubes (12.7 cm I.D. with a sample area of 127 cm2). In laboratory, one sediment core was subsampled by means of 3 cut-off plastic syringes (2.7 cm I.D., surface area of 5.72 cm2, 0-10 cm top sediment) in order to obtain three pseudoreplicates for the meiofauna. Meiofaunal organisms (38–1000 m) were extracted from sediment subsamples by sieving each pseudoreplicate and by centrifuging the material retained by a 38 μm mesh net with Ludox HS-40 (density of 1.15–1.18 g cm−3). All meiobenthic organisms were counted and taxonomically classified to the main groups under a stereomicroscope (Olympus SZX12; final magnification of × 32-40)
Tursiops sightings in the Mediterranean between 1988 and 2010,
As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent Cetacean passive acoustic network is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The sensor network uses C-PODs (Chelonia Limited) to register the presence of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the neighbourhood. Click trains of harbour porpoises are detected and classified using the CPOD software and high and moderate quality click trains are selected. The dataset is published yearly in the highest time resolution, per minute
As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent Cetacean passive acoustic network is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The sensor network uses C-PODs (Chelonia Limited) to register the presence of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the neighbourhood. Click trains of harbour porpoises are detected and classified using the CPOD software and high and moderate quality click trains are selected. The dataset is published yearly in the highest time resolution, per minute
Phytoplankton data collected by the IBSS staff in Sevastopol Bay, Black Sea during 1972. This dataset contains abundance data (individuals per liter) and biomass (mg/m³) for phytoplankton taxa. Also size records are given for most of them. No additional metadata is available.
Data collected by the IBSS staff at several stations in the Black Sea during the first cruise in February 1957. This dataset contains abundance data (individuals per liter) and biomass data (mg/m³) for phytoplankton taxa. No additional metadata is available.
A list of Brachiopoda species sampled during campaigns in the French part of the Mediterranean.
The UF Invertebrate collection holds ~510,000 databased lots of mollusks and marine invertebrates. It began as a Malacology collection almost 100 years ago and ~85% of the holdings are still mollusks. Since 2000 the collection was expanded to cover all invertebrate phyla, focusing on marine taxa. Today it holds >40,000 species from 28 phyla.
Se dipone del 70 % de los datos totales de la colección. Los especímenes proceden del litoral mediterráneo y atlántico español, Caribe e Indo-Pacífico. Los ejemplares se encuentran tanto formando parte de pliegos en papel como en líquido.
Density and biomass of hyperbenthos, macrobenthos and zooplankton over a 26 h (14-10-1996) cycle in a subtidal station located in the 'Vlakte van de Raan'. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Mortier, S. (1998). Tidale en diurnale ritmes van het hyperbenthos in het subtidaal van de Belgische oostkust. BSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Mariene Biologie. Instituut voor Dierkunde. Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek en Ecologie: Gent. 94 pp.