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    Mapped Habitats, captured from multibeam bathymetry and derived layers by geophysicist and ecologist. JNCC undertook a survey with Marine Scotland Science to Pobie Bank Reef cSAC with the aim of gathering high quality evidence to better ascertain the distribution of bedrock and stony reef for the development of management advice. Multibeam bathymetry and backscatter data and sidescan sonar data were collected, as were benthic infaunal and PSA samples and underwater stills and video imagery. Data were gathered from the FRV Scotia from 23rd August to 6th September 2013. Data (acoustic and underwater camera tow video and stills) from two SEA surveys undertaken at Pobie Bank Reef cSAC in 2003 and 2006 were made available and utilised in the analysis. Also available is a biological data interpretation report based on these data. The report was prepared by Envision in 2009, and contains the most recent habitat map for Pobie Bank Reef cSAC.