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    The Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) was used int he Baltic sea during the Aranda cruise in July 2017 in the frame of JERICONEXT to quantify the vertical distribution of macroscopic particles >100µm and plankton > 700 μm in size (incuding large cynaobacterial filaments). The smaller size limit is fixed by optical resolution, whereas the larger size limit is determined by the volume of water illuminated per image. Images are recorded at a frequency up to 20 Hz and the recorded volume per image is 1.02 L.

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    This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of the mesozooplankton community. The data collection and processing has been funded by several projects over its lifetime. It is currently supported directly by the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), as part of its long term monitoring effort. This dataset contains the planktonic organisms collected by a WP2 net (200μm mesh) and therefore cover organisms from 200µm to ~2cm.

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    This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of the mesozooplankton community. The data collection and processing has been funded by several projects over its lifetime. It is currently supported directly by the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), as part of its long term monitoring effort. This dataset contains the planktonic organisms collected by a Régent net (680μm mesh) and therefore cover organisms from ~700µm to ~5cm.

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    This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of the mesozooplankton community. The data collection and processing has been funded by several projects over its lifetime. It is currently supported directly by the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), as part of its long term monitoring effort, and by the MOOSE program of the Research Infrastructure ILICO. This dataset contains the planktonic organisms collected by a WP2 net (200μm mesh) and therefore cover organisms from 200µm to ~2cm.

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    This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of the mesozooplankton community. The data collection and processing has been funded by several projects over its lifetime. It is currently supported directly by the Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), as part of its long term monitoring effort. This dataset contains the planktonic organisms collected by a Juday-Bogorov net (330μm mesh) and therefore cover organisms from ~300µm to ~2cm.

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    MOOSE GE is a yearly ocean-monitoring cruise which is part of the MOOSE program, within the Research Infrastructure ILICO, the aim of which is to monitor the North-Western Mediterranean (considered to act as a model system for larger ocean basins). This dataset contains the planktonic organisms collected by a Bongo net (180 to 200µm mesh) hauled vertically from 200m depth to the surface at each station, therefore covering organisms from ~200µm to ~2cm.

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    The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, on board the 36-metre Tara Schooner. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. Samples were later analysed using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies.

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    The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, on board the 36-metre Tara Schooner. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. Samples were later analysed using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies.

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    The PNMIR cruises sample zooplankton (and other variables) regularly within the Marine Protected Area "Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise", under the supervision of the Office Français de la Biodiversité. This monitoring is part of the general assessment of this Marine Protected Area and is to be linked with the small pelagic fish stock in the region. This dataset comes from collection with a WP2 net and therefore covers organisms from 200µm to ~2cm

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    The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses to metazoans, on board the 36-metre Tara Schooner. It surveyed 210 ecosystems in 20 biogeographic provinces, collecting over 35,000 samples of seawater and plankton. Samples were later analysed using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies.