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    This dataset describes the ORSTOM 2 collection (MNHN, Paris). In november-december 1980, the RV "Coriolis" carried out an oceanographic campaign in the south and west of Luçon, Philippines. The objective was to capture some female individuals of Neoglyphea opinata femelles (Arthropoda: Decapoda, see MUSORSTOM 1 campaign) and to improve the knowledge on the benthic fauna in the Philippines. 66 trawling operations were carried out, between 50 and 1950 m depth. Sampling has allowed to collect a series of new species. the samlping in the North of the Sibuyan sea, in various biotopes have allowed to record species which were new to the region. The present dataset focuses on sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) collected during the Musortom 2 campaign.

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    This dataset describes primary biodiversity data pertaining to pelagic diversity from the Bay of Toliara, Madagascar. The data is assembled in the framework of a specialized training program for students from Madagascar and its surrounding region (Pole de Formation Spécialisee, Institut Halieutique et des Sciences de la Mer). Additional data will be added along the years.

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    Data pertaining to the Macassar Corindon expedition to Indonesia in 1980 Preliminary (15 october to 12 november 1980). Collection of sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), dried specimens.

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    AMORE III addresses the dual control of changing human activity and climate on eutrophication in the Belgian coastal zone and the feedback effect on goods (newly-deployed offshore mussel farming) and services (atmospheric CO2 absorption). AMORE III has among others assessed the geographical spreading and the magnitude of Phaeocystis blooms in the EEZ, the impact of Phaeocystis colony spreading on offshore mussel farming. It combined field observations, laboratory-controlled experiments, and mathematical modelling in an iterative way.

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    Data of physical, chemical and biological measurements collected along the northwest European shelf break.

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    Counts of diatom cells for 7 stations in the Southern North Sea in January and February 1971.The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.

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    Inventory of Hydrozoa species for 51 stations in the Southern North Sea between January 1971 and July 1972.The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.

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    The AMORE-II research focused on establishing quantitative and qualitative links between nutrient enrichment, spreading of high-biomass algal blooms (Phaeocystis globosa but also the co-occurrent diatom Guinardia delicatula), presence of gelatinous zooplankton (the dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, the appendicularian Oïkoploira dioica) and impact on ecosystem function.

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    The AMORE project contributes to the implementation of an integrated land-coastal zone research methodology to assess and predict the eutrophication level of the coastal North Sea and the associated undesirable effects. The ultimate aim is to reduce the current context of uncertainty in which decisions to counteract the eutrophication of the NS and protect its natural resources are made. Process-level field and laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to improve the basic knowledge on mechanisms through which a change in nutrients (in terms of N:P:Si NO3:NH4 inorganic:organic N ratios) induced modification in the phytoplanktonic community structure and hence the functioning of the whole planktonic food-web. For this the MUMM station 330_a has been monitored for a period of three years.

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    Pankton data collected in the framework of Jerico-NEXT JRAP 1. Data were collected using different methods and sensors (flow cytometer, FRRF, pigment analysis, zooscan).