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University of Pisa

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    Lampedusa is an island located on the northern edge of the Gulf of Gabés, one of the most important foraging grounds for both adult and juvenile loggerheads living in the Mediterranean Sea. This project aims at investigating the movements of the neritic-stage juvenile turtles in this area.

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    The aim of this project is to investigate the movements performed by loggerhead turtles in the Adriatic sea. The Adriatic sea is home to a quite large number of turtles, especially loggerheads, representing one of the best feeding areas within the Mediterranean Sea. Both juveniles and adult loggerheads frequent this area, and are thought to perform seasonal migrations, especially in response to changes in environmental parameters (especially temperature).

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    CARESAT is a project funded by the Tuscany Region (Italy) aiming to use satellite telemetry to increase the limited information currently available on the movements of loggerhead turtles frequenting Tuscany waters and the Pelagos Marine Sanctuary. To this aim, turtles found in Tuscan waters and rehabilitated in Tuscan rescue centers will be equipped with satellite transmitters, to reconstruct the movements made by tracked individuals, to identify the areas of the Sanctuary that are mainly frequented, and to reveal hitherto unknown aspects of their ecology and behavior.

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    <p>Post-nesting satellite tracking of two loggerhead turtles in the southern Ionian coast of Calabria, Italy.</p>

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