Linkage |
Protocol |
WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link |
Name of the resource |
EMODnet Human Activities |
Description |
EMODnet Human Activities aims to facilitate access to existing marine data on activities carried out in EU waters, by building a single entry point for geographic information on human uses of the ocean. |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subdivisioneffort |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Fishery Statistical Areas and GFCM Subareas (Sub-division) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
gfcmsubareaeffort |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Fishery Statistical Areas and GFCM Subareas (GFCM Sub-area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
gfcmsubareaeffortbycountry |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Country (GFCM Subarea) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subdivisioneffortbycountry |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Country (Sub-division Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
divisioneffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Division Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
gfcmsubareaeffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (GFCM Subarea) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
majoreffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Major Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subareaeffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Sub-area Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subdivisioneffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Sub-division Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subuniteffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Sub-unit Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
OGC:WMS-1.3.0-http-get-map |
Name of the resource |
subdivisioneffortbycountry |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Country (Sub-division Area) |
Linkage |
Protocol |
Name of the resource |
emodnet:subdivisioneffortbyvesseltype |
Description |
Fishing Effort by FAO Areas/GFCM Subareas and Vessel Type (Sub-division Area) |