Modelled Spatial Distributions of Coralligenous Habitats
This dataset shows modelled spatial distributions of coralligenous outcrops across the Mediterranean Sea. These bioconstructions are typical Mediterranean underwater seascapes, comprising coralline algal frameworks that grow in dim light conditions. They are the result of the building activities of algal and animal constructors, counterbalanced by physical, as well as biological, eroding processes. Because of their extent, biodiversity and production, coralligenous habitats rank among the most important ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea, and they are considered of great significance both for fisheries and carbon regulation.
Versiedatum | 2014-11-11T20:34:00 |
Type versiedatum | Publicatie: Uitgavedatum van de dataset. |
Doel van vervaardiging | Fine-scale knowledge on the distribution of sensitive habitats such as coralligenous outcrops is crucial for their effective management and conservation. Based on known occurrences of these habitats and a set of environmental predictors, modelling was carried out to produce the first continuous maps of these habitats across the entire basin. The predictive maps can be fed into the development of basin-wide conservation plans (e.g. for establishing networks of marine protected areas) or other forms of marine spatial planning, and also in policy development. |
Status | compleet: Productie van de data is compleet / afgerond. |
Contactgegevens dataset(serie)
Naam Contactpersoon | Corinne Martin |
Organisatie | UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre |
Plaats | Cambridge |
Land | United Kingdom | | |
Rol | Eigenaar: Partij die eigenaar is van de data. |
Frequentie | Niet gepland: Er zijn geen plannen om de data te actualiseren. |
Voorbeeldweergave dataset(serie) | |
Voorbeeldweergave dataset(serie) |
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 | Habitats and biotopes |
GDI-Vlaanderen Trefwoorden | Metadata GDI-Vl-conform |
Overige trefwoorden |
Ruimtelijk schema dataset(serie) | grid: Grid data wordt gebruikt om geografische data te representeren. |
Ruimtelijke resolutie dataset(serie)
Noemer | 200000 |
Karakterset | UTF-8: 8-bit variabele grootte universele karakterset, gebaseerd op ISO/IEC 10646 |
Categorie(ën) |
Aanvullende informatie | Martin CS, Giannoulaki M, De Leo F, Scardi M, Salomidi M, Knitweiss L, Pace ML, Garofalo G, Gristina M, Ballesteros E, Bavestrello G, Belluscio A, Cebrian E, Gerakaris V, Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C, Schembri PJ, Terribile K, Rizzo L, Ben Souissi J, Bonacorsi M, Guarnieri G, Krzelj M, Macic V, Punzo E, Valavanis V, Fraschetti S (2014) Coralligenous and maerl habitats: predictive modelling to identify their spatial distributions across the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports 4: 5073. URL: Other cited reference(s): Giannoulaki M, Belluscio A, Colloca F, Fraschetti S, Scardi M, Smith C, Panayotidis P, Valavanis V, Spedicato MT (Eds.) (2013). Mediterranean Sensitive Habitats (MEDISEH), final project report. DG MARE Specific Contract SI2.600741. Heraklion (Greece): Hellenic Centre for Marine Research. 557 p. URL: The maps show the predicted occurrence probabilities for coralligenous outcrops and m├ñerl beds: values 0 and 10 correspond to the lowest (blue colour) and highest (red colour) occurrence probabilities, respectively. Hence, the maps provide information about where the habitats are most likely to occur. Projection used: World Cylindrical Equal Area with datum WGS 1984. The work was financed by the Commission of the European Union (Directorate General for Maritime Affairs, DG MARE) through the ÔÇ£Mediterranean Sensitive HabitatsÔÇØ (MEDISEH) project, within the MAREA framework (service contract SI2.600741). Some of the work was also financed through the projects Coconet (FP7, Grant agreement no: 287844) and the projects Prin 2010ÔÇô2011 (MIUR) and RITMARE (MIUR). The authors would also like to express their gratitude to those who kindly shared their occurrence data on coralligenous outcrops and m├ñerl beds, and without whose inputs this work would not have been possible (see Task 1.2 in Giannoulaki et al. 2013). Geo-referenced occurrence records for coralligenous outcrops and m├ñerl beds across the Mediterranean basin were compiled as part of two international research projects (Mediseh and CoCoNET). Based on these occurrences and a starting set of 12 environmental variables, maximum entropy (Maxent) was used to model and predict occurrence probabilities. Please refer to Martin et al. (2014) for full details. Earlier versions of the models were presented in Task 1.3 of Giannoulaki et al. (2013). The predictive maps published in Martin et al. (2014) are based on a more extensive occurrence dataset and more finely-tuned models. Due to data limitations on species lists across the various component datasets, coralligenous outcrops and m├ñerl beds were each modelled as a whole, instead of modelling multispecific assemblages with distinct habitat preferences. Spatial management measures for fisheries that are aimed at protecting coralligenous outcrops and m├ñerl beds should not be based solely on the model outputs presented here; targeted groundtruthing should be carried out so that informed decisions are taken. |
Omschrijving geografische begrenzing | |
Identificator geografische begrenzing |
Omschrijving geografische begrenzing | |||||||||
Omschrijvende rechthoek
Identificator geografische begrenzing |
Omschrijving geografische begrenzing | |
Identificator geografische begrenzing |
Horizontaal en/of verticaal referentiesysteem
Unieke code | WGS 1984 |
Toegangs- en gebruiksbeperkingen
Legale en veiligheidsbeperkingen
Beperkingen van de dataset(serie)
Metadata identificator (fileIdentifier) | 4da88de5-b0b8-4de4-8aac-99a9b0980736 | ||||||||||||
Karakterset metadatarecord | UTF-8: 8-bit variabele grootte universele karakterset, gebaseerd op ISO/IEC 10646 | ||||||||||||
Metadata wijzigingsdatum | 2022-02-01T16:14:38 | ||||||||||||
Naam metadatastandaard | ISO 19115:2003/19139 | ||||||||||||
Versie metadatastandaard | 1.0 | ||||||||||||