EMODnet EMODnet Human Activities, Fisheries, Fishery Management Zones and Quotas
The dataset on fishing quotas by Fishery Management Zones (FMZs) was created in 2024 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on DG MARE's data and it is available for viewing and download on EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/en/human-activities). Total allowable catches (TACs), as Initial Quantity and Adapted Quota, are catch limits (expressed in tonnes) provided for each fish species (code and name) for a given year. Each stock is associated with one FMZ, but a FMZ can have multiple Stocks associated with it. Each species+area combination (stock) has multiple quota values per year. Quota values of the level'TAC' represent total allowable catch (sum of EU and third countries’ quotas). 'EEC' is the EU quota, which is the sum of individual Member States’ quotas. Thus in visualising the values of the quotas, the level needs to be taken into account. For many stocks, there is no value in the quota table. This means that the stock is defined only for reporting purposes, but there is no limitation of the amount of allowable catches. Due to the amount of data, all the attributes are not shown in the mapviewer, thus it is recommended to download the data in order to access to all the available info. The dataset is updated yearly and it covers a time series from 2012 onwards.
Versiedatum | 2024-06-05 |
Type versiedatum | Publicatie: Uitgavedatum van de dataset. |
Versiedatum | 2024-11-05 |
Type versiedatum | Wijziging: Datum van wijziging, controle, verbetering van dataset. |
Versiedatum | 2024-04-08 |
Type versiedatum | Creatie: Aanmaakdatum of opnamedatum van de dataset. |
Dataset identificator | EMODnet_HA_Fisheries_FMZsQuotas_20241105 |
Inhoudelijke beperkingen
Beperkingen van de dataset(serie)
Contactgegevens dataset(serie)
Organisatie | Cogea srl |
luigi.falco@bip-group.com | |
Rol | Auteur: Partij die auteur is van de data. |
Contactgegevens dataset(serie)
Organisatie | European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) |
MARE-DATA-MANAGEMENT@ec.europa.eu | |
Rol | Verstrekker: Organisatie die de data verstrekt. |
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 | Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units |
GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4 | fishery |
Ruimtelijk schema dataset(serie) | vector: Vector data wordt gebruikt om geografische data te representeren. |
Taal | Engels |
Categorie(ën) |
Omschrijving geografische begrenzing | |||||||||
Omschrijvende rechthoek
Identificator geografische begrenzing |
Horizontaal en/of verticaal referentiesysteem
Unieke code | EPSG:4326 |
Horizontaal en/of verticaal referentiesysteem
Unieke code | ISO 19108 calendar |
Niveau kwaliteitsinformatie | Dataset: Informatie heeft betrekking op de dataset. |
Algemene beschrijving herkomst | Validation and quality assurance remain up to the primary data sources, i.e. DG MARE. Generally speaking data are to be considered very reliable, because they come from the source officially in charge of their definition. The DG MARE data on quotas are related to the FMZs areas by a one-to-many relationship, through the values of their key fields 'FMZ_ID'. |
Toegangs- en gebruiksbeperkingen
Legale en veiligheidsbeperkingen
Beperkingen van de dataset(serie)
Distributieformaat | unknown (Version: unknown) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Metadata identificator (fileIdentifier) | fa1101de-c071-4ebb-993a-06eac0ef27c7 | ||||||
Taal metadatarecord | Engels | ||||||
Karakterset metadatarecord | UTF-8: 8-bit variabele grootte universele karakterset, gebaseerd op ISO/IEC 10646 | ||||||
Hiërarchisch niveau | Dataset: Informatie heeft betrekking op de dataset. | ||||||
Metadata wijzigingsdatum | 2024-12-02T12:36:09.890988Z | ||||||
Naam metadatastandaard | ISO19115 | ||||||
Versie metadatastandaard | 2003/Cor.1:2006 | ||||||