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Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies

7 record(s)
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    12 samples of macrobenthos collected with a Van Veen grab at the Doggerbank

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    Spisula survey on the Dutch coastline between the eastern Wadden Sea and IJmuiden.

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    This dataset was obtained because a large-scale nourishment was planned south-west of Texel from March to November 2002.

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    Port of Rotterdam is carrying out the Project Mainport Development Rotterdam, PMR, expanding the port with 1,000 hectares through suppletion of sand in the shallow coastal Voordelta area in the North Sea. As the Voordelta has the status of protected nature reserve (Natura2000 area), the loss of habitat, caused by the expansion of the port, must be compensated for. As part of the compensating measures, the Dutch national government established a series of protected areas in the Voordelta region and is following the effects of these measures. This dataset contains aerial counts of birds in the “Voordelta”. The set exists of a pre-protected status data (2003 – 2007) and a post-protected status (currently still under embargo).

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    Het bemonsteringsprogramma in de jaren 2005-2012 omvatte de uitvoering van een survey in het voorjaar en in het najaar met het onderzoeksvaartuig ‘Luctor’ uitgerust met een garnalenkor. In het eerste bemonsteringsjaar, de T0 in 2005 is daarnaast ook met een commercieel schip, de GO58 met een boomkor gevist in de diepere delen vooral gericht op de grotere, commercieel interessante vis. Voor de bemonstering van de trekvis is in dat jaar gebruik gemaakt van fuiken. Deze beide laatste vangsttechnieken zijn na 2005 niet meer gebruikt vanwege financiële overwegingen.

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    Port of Rotterdam is carrying out the Project Mainport Development Rotterdam, PMR, expanding the port with 1,000 hectares through suppletion of sand in the shallow coastal Voordelta area in the North Sea. As the Voordelta has the status of protected nature reserve (Natura2000 area), the loss of habitat, caused by the expansion of the port, must be compensated for. As part of the compensating measures, the Dutch national government established a series of protected areas in the Voordelta region and is following the effects of these measures. This dataset contains abundances of macrobenthis in the “Voordelta”. The set exists of a pre-protected status data (2003 – 2007) and a post-protected status (currently still under embargo).

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    Port of Rotterdam is carrying out the Project Mainport Development Rotterdam, PMR, expanding the port with 1,000 hectares through suppletion of sand in the shallow coastal Voordelta area in the North Sea. As the Voordelta has the status of protected nature reserve (Natura2000 area), the loss of habitat, caused by the expansion of the port, must be compensated for. As part of the compensating measures, the Dutch national government established a series of protected areas in the Voordelta region and is following the effects of these measures. This dataset comprises abundances of macrozoobenthos, fish and birds in the “Voordelta”. The set exists of a pre-protected status data (2003 – 2007) and a post-protected status (currently still under embargo).