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    <p>The Thornton measuring buoy is part of the oceanographic component of ICOS Belgium (The Integrated Carbon Observation System), it carries sensors for both LifeWatch and ICOS. Management is organized as part of ICOS, an established and landmark European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) delivering high quality observations of greenhouse gases in all environmental domains.&nbsp;</p><p>The buoy collects data at approximately 30 minutes frequency and is regularly maintained and calibrated by VLIZ. This dataset includes the 2018 CTD data. Sensors were calibrated pre and post deployment and the analysis of the data alongside the calibrations suggest that no data corrections were needed.&nbsp;</p>

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    In the framework of the Lifewatch marine observatory a number of fixed stations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are visited on a monthly or seasonal basis using RV Simon Stevin. A grid of nine stations covers the coastal zone and are sampled monthly. Eight additional stations, located further at sea, are sampled on a seasonal basis. Samples are taken using a 55µm mesh size Apstein net and fixed in Lugol's iodine solution. In the lab, the samples are processed using a VS-4 FlowCAM model at 4X magnification, size range imaged is 55-300µm. The identification of the image data is done with the use of a classifier and followed by a manual validation step. Since May 2017, this dataset provides micro- and phytoplankton observations, mainly covering diatoms, dinoflagellates and cilliates, for the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS).

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    Data collection on population size and distribution of cetaceans in Sicily, Ionian Sea, promoted by the MareCamp association thanks to the citizen science initiative "Report a sighting and help the research" through phone and e-mail communications made by yachtsmen and fishers, and also filling in the following online form https://forms.gle/mAx9ZHZDzrPfs9P59 Data here provided were collected in 2008-2019 period. The project is ongoing; sightings are reported in the database only if the advisories have good photos of reference able to distinguish the species and the area of observation. Presence of boats, fishing activities, other species like birds, fish, jellyfish, meteorological and sea conditions are also collected.

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    The Aves (bird skeletons) collection is part of the SeSAM collections of Senckenberg which combines all collections held at the Senckenberg Natutal History Museum of Frankfurt. This collection contains bird skeletons from all over the world.

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    Occurrence (presence/absence) of Bryozoa on several substrates (<i>Cystoseira</i>, <i>Posidonia</i> and rocky cliff hard substrate) sampled at Calvi Bay (Corsica) in September 1982 and April 1983. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Janssen, C.R.; Thielemans, L.K.; Vermeulen, Y. (1983). Bryozoa van de Baai van Calvi (Corsica), in: FKFO Project 2.9007.82. Systematiek en ecologie van mariene organismen: verslag over het tweede werkingsjaar 1983. pp. 59-69.

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    An annotated check-list is given of Cirripedia species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe.

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    The dataset was collected to investigate the role of habitat heterogeneity and, in particular, of fluid emission on benthic fauna.

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    These data were part of a study investigating the general statement that Marine Protected Area’s (MPA’s) have an effect on the population and assemblages of benthic organisms in the intertidal zone of rocky shores. The effects were evaluated over a variety of spatial scales

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    This dataset contains marine littoral and sublittoral records of flora and fauna from the North-east Atlantic, provided by the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society.

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    Tracking of Arctic terns <i>Sterna paradisaea</i> reveals longest animal migration.