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  • This dataset includes in situ observations of water sampling bottles collected during the PRE-SWOT experiment.

  • This dataset includes in situ observations of CTD casts collected during the PRE-SWOT experiment.

  • This data set includes recently published data used to assess the temporal evolution of pH in Atlantic and Mediterranean water masses exchanging at the Strait of Gibraltar (Long:-5.345, Lat: 36.137, Datum:WSG84) during the decade 2005-2015 and to calculate the magnitude of natural and anthropogenic components on total pH changes (Flecha et al., 2019). The database provides measurements of carbon system parameters in water samples collected at 3 stations that form the marine time series GIFT during 26 oceanographic campaigns conducted over the decade 2005–2015. Geographic coordinates of sampling stations are provided. Some physical data (i.e. temperature and salinity) are also included.

  • This data set contains raw data for the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH time series at BOATS (Balearic Ocean Acidification Time Series) Cabrera National Park station.

  • This data set contains raw data for the pH time series at BOATS (Balearic Ocean Acidification Time Series) bay of Palma station located in the Balearic Islands Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB ) Bay of Palma Buoy (

  • Mooring line deployed in the Espartel Sill located in the Strait of Gibraltar consisting of an uplooking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) (Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc.), a currentmeter Nortek Aquadopp (Nortek AS), a CT (Conductivity Temperature) SBE 37 probe (Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc.), and SAMI-pH and SAMI-CO2 Submersible Autonomous Moored Instruments (Sunburst Sensors, LLC.). CT, SAMI-pH and SAMI-CO2 were placed around 13 m above the sea bottom (360 m depth). The main objective is to monitor the Mediterrranean Outflow Water carbon parameters variability before it leaves the Mediterranean Basin to the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar.