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    The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 56 samples collected on the Longitudinal profiles (L) of the Romanian littoral between 8 m to 42m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 1/20 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. Sampling was done in autumn period (September, October).The samples have been analyzed qualitative (number of species) and quantitative (densities and biomasses). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level.

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    The phytoplankton dataset includes samples collected from shallow to shelf Romanian waters, in the period 1961 - 1970, from March to November; there is no similar frequency each year. Dataset contains abundance data (cells per liter) and biomass (mg/m3) for individual phytoplankton taxa.

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    The phytoplankton dataset includes samples collected from shallow to shelf Romanian waters, in the period 1981 - 1990, from February to November; there is no similar frequency each year. Dataset contains abundance data (cells per liter) and biomass (mg/m3) for individual phytoplankton taxa.

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    The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 234 samples collected in the East Constanta sector of the Romanian marine waters from five standard stations (Station 1-5) between 14 m to 55m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 1/20 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. Sampling was done in winter, spring, summer and autumn mounths.The samples have been analyzed qualitative (number of species) and quantitative (densities and biomasses). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level.

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    The macrozoobentos dataset includes a number of 347 samples collected in the Northern part of the Romanian littoral between Sulina and Chituc from 5 m to 52m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 1/20 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. Sampling was done in spring, summer and autumn mounths.The samples have been analyzed qualitative (number of species) and quantitative (densities and biomasses). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level.

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    The zooplankton dataset contains samples collected during 1973-1980, from different stations, from the Romanian Black Sea waters. Samples were collected from different depths, in different seasons. All samples were collected using the Baskakova net, with an opening of 36 cm diameter. Zooplankton samples were analyzed both from quantitative (density and biomass) and qualitative (list of species) point of view.

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    The zooplankton dataset contains samples collected during 1956-1960, from different stations, from the Romanian Black Sea waters. Samples were collected from different depths, in different seasons. All samples were collected using the Baskakova net, with an opening of 36 cm diameter. Zooplankton samples were analyzed both from quantitative (density and biomass) and qualitative (list of species) point of view.

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    The zooplankton dataset contains samples collected during 1961-1970, from different stations, from the Romanian Black Sea waters. Samples were collected from different depths, mainly monthly, covering in this way all seasons (spring, summer, autumn,winter). All samples were collected using the Baskakova net, with an opening of 36 cm diameter. Zooplankton samples were analyzed both from quantitative (density and biomass) and qualitative (list of species) point of view.

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    The macrozoobenthos dataset includes a number of 106 samples collected in the Northern part of the Romanian littoral from 5 m to 70 m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 1/20 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. The samples have been analyzed qualitative and quantitative. The macroinvertebrates have been identified at the species level. Dataset contains abundance (ind/m2) and biomass (g/m2) data.

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    The macrozoobenthos dataset includes a number of 243 samples collected in the Northern part of the Romanian littoral between Sulina and Chituc from 10 m to 57m depths. Van Veen grab with a sampling area of 0.05 m2 was employed as a macrozoobenthos sampler. One replicate was collected at every station. Sampling was done in spring, summer and autumn mounths.The samples have been analyzed qualitative (number of species) and quantitative (densities and biomasses). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level. Dataset contains abundance data (ind/m2) and biomass (g/m2). The macroinvertebrates have been identified at species level.