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Zoologisch Museum Amsterdam

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    Benthos monitoring data from the North Sea between 1990 and 2002. The database was compiled from different sources, mainly under the "Biodiversity and Global Change" (BIGC) programme of the "Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research" (NWO).

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    The Bryozoa collection of the Zoological Museum of Amsterdam consists of ca. 3000 registered samples, including 210 nominal types. The collection is not currently studied by ZMA staff, but the Indonesian samples, collected by the Siboga Expedition in 1899-1900, are a valuable asset for the international taxonomic community.

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    The Coelenterata-collection of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam contains approx. 11,000 registered samples. It has at present primarily importance as a reference collection: no active research on this group is currently being done by our staff, but the large number of nominal types (600, together comprising more than 1500 specimens) and other published material of Indonesian and Caribbean origin is frequently consulted by world specialists and are regularly sent out on loan.

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    The Protozoa collection of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam is modest in size (ca. 100 registered samples) and modest in importance (no nominal types). Its main contents are dry Foraminifera. Approximately half of the specimens are collected in Indonesia during the Siboga Expedition in 1899-1900.

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    Currently the molluscan collection of ZMA consists of over 12.000 samples (ca. 50.000 specimens) of Pectinoidea (ca. 10.800 Pectinidae and ca. 1450 Propeamussiidae samples) of which 143 type samples (69 type lots of Pectinidae and 74 type lots of Propeamussiidae), all (re)identified and digitilized by Henk H. Dijkstra (The Netherlands). The major part (8345 samples) of this collection is donated by Dijkstra to ZMA. The remaining part is from different sources, i.e. from private donations, exchanges, scientific cruises and expeditions. Nearly all the recent species of Pectinidae (ca. 300 species) and Propeamussiidae (ca. 100 species) are represented. Most of the Pectinidae species are collected by private collectors or by fishermen from the tidal zone to upper bathyal depths, whereas Propeamussiidae are mostly sampled from bathyal depths by the Siboga expedition and the recent French expeditions to the tropical Indo-Pacific.

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    Porifera specimen data from the ZMA, het Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Data from the Netherlands, Europe, Curaçao and type-species. Original data available through NLBIF. 2853 European distribution records available through EurOBIS.