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European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

EOOS Technology Forum 2022 Workshop

The European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) Technology Forum will have a workshop on 22-24 March 2022 as a virtual event. The EOOS Technology forum holds a workshop every two years and it is designed to help create and strengthen links between technology users, developers and providers in ocean observing across the public and private sectors in Europe.


This second workshop will use the Ocean Decade as a framework to explore the technological advances through the lens of two main societal requirements:

  • “A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified and removed”
  •  “A healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are mapped and protected”

EMODnet will be well represented at the event with speaker roles in various panels, in addition to wider community inputs:

  • On Wednesday 23 March EMODnet Secretariat Technical Coordinator Conor Delaney speaks in a Panel discussing "How do we establish a systematic and robust data value chain?"
  • On Thursday 24 March EMODnet Deputy Head Kate Larkin joins a Panel of experts for the final session "Recommendations, what can we do within this decade and the role of EOOS."