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Hack4Oceans (20-21 October 2021), is a 2-day youth innovation event where participants from across Europe and wider will learn, explore and co-create opportunities for prosperity through ocean conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. The event is hosted by European Commission’s Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (EC, DG MARE) in Brussels, Belgium.

Brussels, Belgium

Hack4Oceans (20-21 October 2021), is a 2-day youth innovation event where participants from across Europe and wider will learn, explore and co-create opportunities for prosperity through ocean conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. The event is hosted by European Commission’s Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (EC, DG MARE) in Brussels. The event will bring together undergraduate students and professional stakeholders coming from the private, public and scientific sector to work on specific ocean-related challenges.

The selected Hack4Oceans Challenges 2021 are:

  1.  Marine Litter: How might we engage citizens and organisations in preventing marine litter? How might we put a stop to microplastics pollution?
  2. Food from the Ocean: How might we develop and diversify sustainable aquaculture and produce alternative foods from the ocean?
  3. Ocean and Climate Change: How might we boost offshore clean energy production and manage the impact of sea level rise?
  4. Coastal Ecosystems: How might we better protect European coastal ecosystems from urban development, biodiversity loss, and erosion?


Sign up for Hack4Oceans