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    The dataset on Emerald Network sites was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. It is entirely based on spatial data from the European Environmental Agency (EEA), plus additional infos and selected EEA tabular data added as feature attributes. It is available for viewing and download on EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, The Emerald Network is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest designated under Recommendation No. 16 (1989) and Resolution No. 3 (1996) of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention. The objective of the Emerald Network is the long-term survival of the species and habitats. The Network involves all the European Union member States (the European Union contributes to the Emerald Network with its Natura 2000 sites), some non-Community States and a number of African States. The dataset cover the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Russian Federation (European part), Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. In the webmap the dataset has been filtered in order to show only marine and coastal sites. Where available each polygon has the following attributes: site code, site name, country code, country name, site type/description (A: SPA, Special Protection Areas - sites designated under the Birds Directive; B: SCIs and SACs, Sites of Community Importance and Special Areas of Conservation - sites designated under the Habitats Directive; C: where SPAs and SCIs/SACs boundaries are identical, sites are designated under both directives), site status (Proposed, Candidate or Adopted), compilation date, update date, area (ha), marine area percentage, marine/coastal location (1). For further information (e.g. biogeographic region, designation status, sites, habitats, impact, management, species and metadata) please visit the EEA's website hosting the Emerald tabular data ( This version covers the reporting in 2021.