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    This dataset provides the location of lighthouses inventoried by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLS). It includes both existing lighthouses and historical ones that have been removed, relocated or destroyed (column Status). The dataset includes the name of the lighthouse, its code in the ARLSH database, the status, the distance to coast, whether it is located at sea or within the coastline and some comments when the ARLSH information has been edited based on information from other sources. Coordinates are approximate for most of the lighthouses.It is updated every 2 years, and is available for viewing and download on the EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, Re-use for commercial and non-commercial purpose requires written consent from the ARLHS.

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    The dataset on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established under the framework of the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on spatial data provided by HELCOM (HELCOM_MPAs_2019_2), by SPA/RAC and MedPAN through the MAPAMED database (MAPAMED_SPAMI_2019_edition_version_2), and by OSPAR (OSPAR_MPAs_202107_001). It is available for viewing and download on EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, The dataset displays all the MPAs as officially reported by the respective Contracting Parties to the Helsinky Convention, to the Barcelona Convention and to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic. The RSCs MPAs are established in order to promote the cooperation in the management and conservation of natural areas, as well as in the protection of threatened species and their habitats. Each RSC MPA may be established in the marine and coastal zones subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Parties and in areas situated partly or wholly on the high sea. Thus, the dataset covers the MPAs Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) and the MPAs in following countries: Albania, Algeria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Monaco, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, and the United Kingdom. Where available each polygon has the following attributes: code, name (english and/or original), designation, country, status (adopted/designated, managed or partly managed, proposed), establishement year, area sqkm (reported, calculated), marine area sqkm (reported, calculated) management authorithy, site link. For further information please visit the data providers websites. This dataset covers the last updated versions in the 2021 and 2022.

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    The dataset on Emerald Network sites was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. It is entirely based on spatial data from the European Environmental Agency (EEA), plus additional infos and selected EEA tabular data added as feature attributes. It is available for viewing and download on EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, The Emerald Network is an ecological network made up of Areas of Special Conservation Interest designated under Recommendation No. 16 (1989) and Resolution No. 3 (1996) of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention. The objective of the Emerald Network is the long-term survival of the species and habitats. The Network involves all the European Union member States (the European Union contributes to the Emerald Network with its Natura 2000 sites), some non-Community States and a number of African States. The dataset cover the following countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Russian Federation (European part), Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. In the webmap the dataset has been filtered in order to show only marine and coastal sites. Where available each polygon has the following attributes: site code, site name, country code, country name, site type/description (A: SPA, Special Protection Areas - sites designated under the Birds Directive; B: SCIs and SACs, Sites of Community Importance and Special Areas of Conservation - sites designated under the Habitats Directive; C: where SPAs and SCIs/SACs boundaries are identical, sites are designated under both directives), site status (Proposed, Candidate or Adopted), compilation date, update date, area (ha), marine area percentage, marine/coastal location (1). For further information (e.g. biogeographic region, designation status, sites, habitats, impact, management, species and metadata) please visit the EEA's website hosting the Emerald tabular data ( This version covers the reporting in 2021.

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    Data derives from Garofalo's article, published on August 2010. Aim of this paper is to identify the presence of nursery and spawning grounds and the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and the abundance of juvenile Octopus vulgaris in the Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean using fishery-independent data. For more informations refer to

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    Data derives from Garofalo's article, published on August 2010. Aim of this paper is to identify the presence of nursery and spawning grounds and the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and the abundance of juvenile Octopus vulgaris in the Strait of Sicily, central Mediterranean using fishery-independent data. For more informations refer to

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    This layer is a model of the biological zones of the Adriatic Sea. It was performed within the framework of EMODnet Phase 2 Thematic Lot n┬░ 3 (aka EUSeaMap2). It is a preliminary version which will be refined during the course of the project. This layer was modelled with the use of base layers that were the seabed substrate type (obtained from EMODnet phase 2 Geology lot, June 2014 release), the bathymetry (EMODnet phase 1 Hydrography lot) and the kdpar (bespoke computed layer) The biological zones boundaries were defined in the following way. - Infralittoral lower limit: limit at which the percentage of light reaching the seabed is 1%. The percentage of light layer was calculated by intersecting the kdpar and the bathymetry layers. For more details about this calculation see e.g. Cameron and Askew (2011). - Circalittoral lower limit: break of slope due to the entrance into the continental slope. This limit was digitalized with the use of the bathymetry layer - Bathyal lower limit: break of slope due to the entrance into the abyssal plain. This limit was digitalized with the use of the bathymetry layer In a western area for which the seabed substrated type is influenced by the P├┤ river, different rules were used for the definition infralittoral and circalittoral zones. Where the substrate is muddy (i.e. mud or sandy mud) and/or the seabed is deeper than 20 meters then the biological zone was said to be circalittoral. Elsewhere it was defined as infralittoral. For more details about the current layer see EUSeaMap first year report (EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014) Cameron, A., Askew, N. (eds.), 2011. EUSeaMap - Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map final report. URL: EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014. EMODnet Phase 2 - Annual (interim) report. Reporting Period: Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2014. URL:

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    This layer is a predictive EUNIS seabed habitat map for the Adriatic Sea. It was performed within the framework of EMODnet Phase 2 Thematic Lot n┬░ 3 (aka EUSeaMap2). It is a preliminary version which will be refined during the course of the project. The layer was created using two pre-processed input datasets: substrate and biological zone. The seabed substrate type layer was a compendium of historical maps (Emodnet phase 2 Geology lot first release + IBCM map). The biological zones layer, available in this catalog under the title 'Biological zones of the Adriatic Sea', was modeled thanks to layers of bathymetry and light attenuation. The map follows the EUNIS 2007-11 classification system. It does not include the intertidal zone. The study followed the methodology developped within the EUSeaMap project (EMODnet phase 1). For more details about the methodology see EUSeaMap final report (Cameron and Askew, 2011) or Coltman et al., 2008. For more details about the current map see EUSeaMap2 interim report (EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014) Cameron, A., Askew, N. (eds.), 2011. EUSeaMap - Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map final report. URL: Coltman, N., Golding, N., Verling, E., 2008. Developing a broadscale predictive EUNIS habitat map for the MESH study area. 16 pp. URL: EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014. EMODnet Phase 2 - Annual (interim) report. Reporting Period: Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2014. URL:

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    This layer is a predictive EUNIS seabed habitat map for the Canary Islands. It was performed within the framework of EMODnet Phase 2 Thematic Lot n┬░ 3 (aka EUSeaMap2). It is a preliminary version which will be refined during the course of the project. The layer was created using two pre-processed input datasets: substrate and biological zone. The seabed substrate type layer was a compendium of historical maps (Emodnet phase 2 Geology lot first release + Datasets from Instituto Espa├▒ol de Oceanograf├¡a). The biological zones layer, available in this catalog under the title 'Biological zones of the Canary Islands and Madeira archipelago', was modeled thanks to layers of bathymetry and light attenuation. The map follows the EUNIS 2007-11 classification system supplemented by additional categories in deep sea areas (Howell et al., 2010). The map does not include the intertidal zone. The study followed the methodology developped within the EUSeaMap project (EMODnet phase 1). For more details about the methodology see EUSeaMap final report (Cameron and Askew, 2011) or Coltman et al., 2008. For more details about the current map see EUSeaMap2 interim report (EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014) Cameron, A., Askew, N. (eds.), 2011. EUSeaMap - Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map final report. URL: Coltman, N., Golding, N., Verling, E., 2008. Developing a broadscale predictive EUNIS habitat map for the MESH study area. 16 pp. URL: EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014. EMODnet Phase 2 - Annual (interim) report. Reporting Period: Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2014. URL: Howell, K.L., 2010. A benthic classification system to aid in the implementation of marine protected area networks in the deep/high seas of the NE Atlantic. Biological Conservation 143, 1041ÔÇô1056.

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    This layer is a model of the biological zones of the Canary Islands and Madeira archipelago. It was performed within the framework of EMODnet Phase 2 Thematic Lot n┬░ 3 (aka EUSeaMap2). It is a preliminary version which will be refined during the course of the project. This layer was modelled with the use of base layers that were the bathymetry (Gebco_08) and the kdpar (bespoke computed layer) The biological zones boundaries were defined in the following way. - Infralittoral lower limit: limit at which the percentage of light reaching the seabed is 1%. The percentage of light layer was calculated by intersecting the kdpar and the bathymetry layers. For more details about this calculation see e.g. Cameron and Askew (2011). - Circalittoral lower limit: depth 80m - Deep circalittoral lower limit: depth 200m - Upper slope lower limit: depth 750m - Upper bathyal lower limit: depth 1100m - Mid bathyal lower limit: depth 1800m - Lower bathyal lower limit: depth 2700m Deep biological zones (from upper slope to abyssal) were chosen according to the classification proposed by Howell (2010). For more details about the current layer see EUSeaMap first year report (EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014) Cameron, A., Askew, N. (eds.), 2011. EUSeaMap - Preparatory Action for development and assessment of a European broad-scale seabed habitat map final report. URL: EMODnet Thematic Lot n┬░ 3, 2014. EMODnet Phase 2 - Annual (interim) report. Reporting Period: Sept. 2013 to Aug. 2014. URL: Howell, K.L., 2010. A benthic classification system to aid in the implementation of marine protected area networks in the deep/high seas of the NE Atlantic. Biological Conservation 143, 1041ÔÇô1056.

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    The dataset on maritime transport of goods, passengers and vessels in the European main ports was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is available for viewing and download on EMODnet web portal (Human Activities, The dataset is the result of the harmonization and aggregation on annual basis of the quarterly Eurostat Maritime transport data, provided by port in the EU Member States, Montenegro, Norway, Turkey and the UK. It is updated every year, and is available for viewing and download on EMODnet - Human Activities web portal ( EUROSTAT data have been related to the 'Ports 2013' EUROSTAT GISCO's points georeferenced dataset, when available, or to the ports locations coming from other sources, as UN/LOCODE, Lloyd’s List, Marine Traffic and VESSEL TRACKER. Goods traffic data are reported in thousands tonnes by type of cargo and direction. Passengers traffic data are reported in thousands passengers (excluding cruise passengers) by direction and traffic type. Vessels traffic data are reported in unit and gross tonnage (thousands) of vessels by vessel size class and vessel type. Where available, the latest update includes data from the 1997 up to the 2023.