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    The REBENT dataset results from the monitoring activities undertaken by the "Réseau benthique" REBENT project. The dataset contains mainly data relating to seabed habitats and associated benthic biocenosis living along the the French coastal area's.

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    The PHYCO cruise is devoted to the analysis of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the English Channel and southern bight of the North Sea. During the cruises, conventional low frequency and innovative high frequency sampling strategies were implemented along gradients. Biogeochemical, bio-optical and biological data characteristics were assessed using, for exemple, a pocket Ferry coupled coupled to an algae online analyzer, a pulse shape-recording flow cytometer, an image in flow analysis, a Pulse Amplitude Fluorometer (PAM) and a Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF).

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    COMARGIS is the Information System of COMARGE (COntinental MARgin Ecosystems on a worldwide scale), a field project of the Census of Marine Life. The core of the system is a relational database implemented in ORACLE. Additional software help the users uploading, retrieving or updating data in the database. The whole system is derived from Biocean, a database developed and maintained by the Deep-Sea Department and the French Oceanographic Data Centre at Ifremer, Brest.

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    The MAREL (Mesures Automatisées en Réseau pour l’Environnement Littoral) Carnot system developed and implemented by Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the sea) in 2004 is a moored buoy equipped with physico-chemical and biological measuring devices working in continuous and autonomous conditions. The system is located in the Boulogne-sur-Mer harbor (eastern English Channel) influenced both by marine coastal and fresh waters. The measuring station is equipped with high performance systems for seawater analysis and near real time data transmission.

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    Gathering together researchers of various disciplines and from diverse institutes located along the Channel (several IFREMER laboratories, several French universities, English laboratories, universities and NGO), the CAMANOC 2014 cruise on board the RV Thalassa aims at sampling the entire English Channel (EC) ecosystem: hydrology, planktonic compartments including fish eggs and larvae, benthic invertebrates, pelagic, demersal and benthic fish and cephalopods, marine birds and mammals. To do so, the EC area was sampled by complementary techniques: hydrological probe, Niskin bottle, high frequency measurements systems such as Pocket Ferry Box, LOPC, plankton nets, GOV trawl, pelagic trawl, grab, dredge, ROV for sub-marine video, multibeam echosounders and visual observations.

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    Gathering together researchers of various disciplines and from diverse institutes located along the Channel (several IFREMER laboratories, several French universities, English laboratories, universities and NGO), the IBTS cruises on board the RV Thalassa aims at sampling the entire English Channel (EC) and part of the North Sea (NS) ecosystems: hydrology, planktonic compartments including fish eggs and larvae, benthic invertebrates, pelagic, demersal and benthic fish and cephalopods, marine birds and mammals. To do so, the EC-NS area was sampled by complementary techniques: hydrological probe, Niskin bottle, high frequency measurements systems such as Pocket Ferry Box, LOPC, plankton nets, GOV trawl, pelagic trawl, grab, dredge, ROV for sub-marine video, multibeam echosounders and visual observations.

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    La mise en place, en 2000, du Réseau de Suivi Lagunaire s'inscrit dans le cadre du SDAGE Rhône Méditerranée Corse qui préconise, entre autres, la lutte contre l'eutrophisation et la mise en place de nouveaux réseaux complémentaires. Dans ce cadre, il est la transcription opérationnelle des résultats d'une étude concernant la mise à jour d'indicateurs du niveau d'eutrophisation, et l'élaboration d'un outil de diagnostic de l'état vis-à-vis de l'eutrophisation, applicable en routine. Le RSL est le fruit d'un partenariat entre Ifremer, la Région Languedoc-Roussillon et l'Agence de l'Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, dont l'animation est assurée par le Cépralmar.