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    Benthic macrophyte samples were collected from 51 sites along the Slovenian rocky coast. The aim of the study was three-fold: (1) to select sampling points for a surveillance monitoring programme, (2) to confirm water body boundaries proposed by the Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and (3) to assess the preliminary Ecological Status Classes (ESC) within the European Water Framework Directory.

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    Cymodocea nodosa sampling in the Slovenian coast in 2009-2010. This dataset contains length of the photosynthetic part of the leaf and abundance of Cymodocea nodosa. 10 samples were collected at each of the 10 locations. In each sample, the length of the photosynthetic part was measured for 60 adult/intermediate leaves for a correct assessment of the Mediterranean meadows which is of great importance for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), and the Habitat Directive (HD)

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    <p>ARMS-MBON is a network of more than 25 partners who deploy Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) settlement units in the vicinity of marine stations and Long-term Ecological Research sites in European coastal waters and Ant/arctica. After a few months the units are brought up, and visual, photographic, and genetic assessments are made of the lifeforms that settled on them. The collected data are published (see the related datasets and GitHub links listed in this record) and the omics data analysed.-nbsp;</p><p>In this record we include the outputs of our analysis of the 18S data from 2018-2020. The analysis used the PEMA bioinformatics software, and the resulting taxonomics inventory has been submitted as DwCA to (Eur)OBIS. In addition, all the PEMA inputs and outputs can be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site (see links in this record), and the subset of the sampling data to which these 18S results are linked can also be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site.</p>

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    <p>ARMS-MBON is a network of more than 25 partners who deploy Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) settlement units in the vicinity of marine stations and Long-term Ecological Research sites in European coastal waters and Ant/arctica. After a few months the units are brought up, and visual, photographic, and genetic assessments are made of the lifeforms that settled on them. The collected data are published (see the related datasets and GitHub links listed in this record) and the omics data analysed.-nbsp;</p><p>In this record we include the outputs of our analysis of the ITS data from 2018-2020. The analysis used the PEMA bioinformatics software, and the resulting taxonomics inventory has been submitted as DwCA to (Eur)OBIS. In addition, all the PEMA inputs and outputs can be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site (see links in this record), and the subset of the sampling data to which these ITS results are linked can also be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site.</p>

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    <p>ARMS-MBON is a network of more than 25 partners who deploy Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) settlement units in the vicinity of marine stations and Long-term Ecological Research sites in European coastal waters and Ant/arctica. After a few months the units are brought up, and visual, photographic, and genetic assessments are made of the lifeforms that settled on them. The collected data are published (see the related datasets and GitHub links listed in this record) and the omics data analysed.-nbsp;</p><p>In this record we include the outputs of our analysis of the COI data from 2018-2020. The analysis used the PEMA bioinformatics software, and the resulting taxonomics inventory has been submitted as DwCA to (Eur)OBIS. In addition, all the PEMA inputs and outputs can be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site (see links in this record), and the subset of the sampling data to which these COI results are linked can also be found on the ARMS-MBON GitHub site.</p>

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    The database contains abundance of main meiofaunal groups and of harpacticoid copepods separately. There are also data present from a recolonisation study.