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    The PHYCO cruise was devoted to the study of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the Eastern Channel-southern North Sea region, by combining in situ continuous recording at sub-surface waters and discrete sampling and profiling at fixed stations, collecting and analysing samples both in surface and at different depths.

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    The PELRAD cruise (July 2017, 4th - 6th then 17th - 19th), onboard the RV “Sépia II” (CNRS/INSU), focused on phytoplankton distribution along the eastern English Channel in summer, to be compared spring features. This cruise is the second of a series of three cruises of the implementation of innovative semi-automated techniques for defining an automated observatory of phytoplankton and HABs, Joint Research Action Project #1 (JRAP#1) of the JERICO-NEXT project. Coordinates of these stations were the same as those visited during the PHYCO cruise.

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    The Etoile cruise was firstly designed to understand hydrological dynamics in the Bay of Biscay. Besides, a physical-biological coupling was effective (JERICO-Next JRAP#1 and JRAP#4) by including phytoplankton monitoring in surface and at some water column depths. One of the objectives of the cruise was to characterize phytoplankton distribution at meso/sub-meso-scale using automated flow cytometer and multispectral fluorometry. These measurements should be complementary to discrete sample at three depths (surface, sub-surface and chlorophyll maximum).