Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
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Seal pathology using necropsy and histopathological findings of dead seals has been monitored in and around Swedish coasts since 2008. The monitoring program was initiated and financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data are stored in the Swedish archive for oceanographic data (SHARK) database, curated by SMHI.
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Monitoring of seals is performed by counting seals from land, ship or airplane. More information is available in Swedish at https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/miljoovervakningens-programomrade-kust-och-hav/delprogram-sal-och-havsorn.html
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Monitoring of seals is performed by counting seals from land, ship or airplane. More information is available in Swedish at https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/miljoovervakningens-programomrade-kust-och-hav/delprogram-sal-och-havsorn.html
Data from Swedish environmental monitoring of abundance of Ringed seal. Swedish monitoring of Ringed seals started in 1995. The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management took over the responsibility and financing of the program. The monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Monitoring of ringed seal is performed by counting seals in transects from airplane. More information is available in Swedish at https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/miljoovervakningens-programomrade-kust-och-hav/delprogram-sal-och-havsorn.html
Epibenthos has been nationally monitored in Sweden since 1992. The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management took over the responsibility and financing of the program. The monitoring is performed by Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg and Linnaeus University. The data is stored in the database SHARK, hosted and maintained by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. The epibenthos monitoring program studies hard and soft bottoms from the surface down to 10-20 meters. Data is collected in transects or squares with help of divers. Species abundances are determined directly by the divers or photographs are taken and analyzed later. More information is available in Swedish at https://www.havochvatten.se/hav/samordning--fakta/miljoovervakning/miljoovervakningens-programomrade-kust-och-hav/delprogram-vegetationskladda-bottnar.html
<p>Bacterial cell carbon content, cell volume and concentration at various sampling stations in the Swedish part of the Baltic Sea. Sampling is performed with a rosette sampler or Niskin bottles attached to a wire. Bacterioplankton has been monitored in Sweden since 1989. The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.</p><p>Monitoring is performed by Umeå University. Data are stored in the Swedish Ocean Archive (SHARK) by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).</p>
This product displays for Tributyltin, positions with values counts that have been measured per matrix and are present in EMODnet regional contaminants aggregated datasets, v2022. The product displays positions for all available years.
This product displays for Lead, positions with values counts that have been measured per matrix and are present in EMODnet regional contaminants aggregated datasets, v2022. The product displays positions for all available years.
This product displays for Benzo(a)pyrene, positions with values counts that have been measured per matrix and are present in EMODnet regional contaminants aggregated datasets, v2022. The product displays positions for all available years.
This product displays for Fluoranthene, positions with values counts that have been measured per matrix and are present in EMODnet regional contaminants aggregated datasets, v2022. The product displays positions for all available years.